Hello Darlin’

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 8/24/17

PAX: Argyle (WD), Bulldog, LandShark, The Singing Cowboy, Wobegon, Wonk (WB), Bunyan, Short Sale, Palin, Zima, Van Gogh




Whirlys 15 IC

Unders 15 IC

Copperhead Squats 15 IC

The Thang:

Partner Up and Mosey to the Lido Deck for some timed work of 45 seconds on and 15 seconds of rest with focus on form over number of reps


Step Ups Right Leg


Step Ups Left Leg


Box Jumps

Down in the Dry Docks (elevated Dry Docks)

Split Squats R

Plank Jacks

Split Squats L

Mosey to Rock Pile and pick a challenging rock for more 45 on 15 off work with continued focus on form over reps

Good Mornings


Swings or Curls depending on the size of your rock

Overhead Press



Supine Pull Overs

Supine Chest Press

Front Raise

Goblet Squat

American Hammer with rock

WWII with rock

Juanita with rock

Rosalita with rock

Low Flutter with rock

Mosey to the front of the school for The Merkin Trail of Tears – Plank up shoulder to shoulder and the first/next person in line does 1 Merkin and then Bear Crawls to the end of the line where they lead the PAX in doing the number of Merkins that they were in line (1,2,3 etc).


There was a big crowd this morning despite the last minute advertising (and reminder from Short Sale that YHC had the Q)

A great group this morning and awesome to get the chance to workout with Wonk and Bunyan for the first time

Kotters to LandShark who is coming back from the trip of a lifetime

The music selection had a few fans this morning and requests for the playlist will be honored

The set of exercises at the Lido Deck were a nice way to warm up and really focus on form

The rocks that some PAX picked were beyond challenging and there was a report that one or two Pax may have changed rocks during the workout

Lots of interest in the Birthday Murphday that will be on Saturday at 0600 at Hanes Park

There was talk of Mongoose considering the Birthday Murphday this month All PAX are welcome to attend and do what they want to do of the Murph

Today’s workout (the ever familiar timed work) was designed to keep us all together and to give the stronger PAX an opportunity to challenge themselves while us mortals survive

Announcements/Prayer Requests:

YHC asked everyone to be extra alert and cautious with the back to school crowd and watch for buses and children


YHC took us out giving thanks for the opportunity and ability to be out with these fine men this morning and for us to all have the strength to be the change that we want to see in the world.


As always it was a pleasure to be out and lead the group




  • Van Gogh
    August 25, 2017 2:18 pm

    Great Beatdown, TT! Not great for my hangover, but I had sweat it off by the end, so thanks! Merkin Trail of Tears was a ridiculous grand finale btw…!

  • Singing Cowboy
    August 25, 2017 9:02 pm

    Nice workout ToeTag! Nice to be out in the gloom with you again!

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