QIC: Resistor
Date: 9/28
PAX: Roosevelt, Thistle, Bam, Plunger, Cesspool (Columbia F3)
WIB at Hanes park is pretty cool. We ran , we did lots of neat masculin exercises, ran again and yes we did a boatload of Burpees.
There was no music. After what we did to Tuco, I was too darn insecure to open myself up to that kind of merciless abuse.
Great bunch of Guys who pushed it hard.
Pray for Plunger’s friend The Foot, for Bam’s trip to Cincinnati on his way to Minneapolis and see MIB, for Thistle’s trip to see his Son before he departs on deployment (Very proud of him and his family)
It was great to workout ( for a short period at least while warming up, he is fast) with Cesspool. Always great to be reminded that we are part of F3 Nation !
Thanks for posting. ALWAYS a pleasure.
God bless you all !
Cincinnati? MIB lives in Minneapolis! You old people and your hearing.
Brutal beatdown FYI.
I have corrected my mistake …and I promess to screw up again
That’s why we get along so well!
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