Happy Birthday

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 1/29/18

PAX: Manscape (WD), Gelding (WB) Hedwig, Fancy, Ditka (Former FNG Ben), Fokker, Swiss Miss, Snooki, Blue Steele, Chisel, Light Brigade, LandShark, Pita, Huckleberry, Touch Me Not, JarJar, Roosevelt, Hazer, Plus Van Gogh for a couple of exercises

So, how do you go back to where it started?  That was the challenge for YHC to Q for the first time at The Estate.  This was the site of YHC’s first post thanks to Land Shark.  Thankfully it was warmer today and we had a light mist instead of the rain that served as the welcome to F3 that November day.

There were many ideas for themes that were considered but given the recent rains, the thought of lots of low crawls across the fields seemed excessively miserable.  YHC was fortunate enough to have been able to attend his M’s Grandmother’s 97th birthday this weekend.  So the idea of doing something to celebrate that was put in motion.

YHC was expecting low numbers today given the competing workouts today and was very surprised with the great turnout including an FNG.  As the clock hit 0530 the disclaimer was given and we got going.


19 Copperhead Squats

21 SSH

19 Seal Claps

21 Over Head Claps (with slight break in voice to confuse everyone as to the count)

The Thang:

Mosey to the main house for some of YHC’s famous timed exercise.  This gives everyone a chance to push themselves but keeps us together.  Q fail when forgetting to ask Pax to partner up to push and support each other during the work. In honor of the birthday girl (Carolyn Wysong) we would do 97 seconds of an exercise and then go on to the next exercise with just a few seconds of rest to describe the next exercise and to reset the timer.

Main House activities:

Mountain Climbers

Unders (Invisible Jump Rope)


American Hammers

Mosey towards the Main Gate:

Peter Parker

Low Flutter

Alternating Lunges

Squat Jumps

Dry Docks

Air Chairs with Jack Reachers

Mosey back to parking lot:


Alternating Shoulder Taps

High Knees

Parker Peter



Done at 0615


There was a conspicuous lack of MC today.  Not sure if it was a polite crowd or just the way things operate at the classiest Monday AO.  Pretty sure that there will not be a request for YHC to Q after the next birthday.

Welcome to Ditka (former FNG Ben Becker) He is a budding Neurologist who is from Chicago via Baltimore.  He is also quite the runner and would fit in with the speed of the #Fastholes but he is a nice guy.  Several names were tossed around, neuron, axon, dendrite, Ditka, and ganglion.  There was obviously a lack of creative minds out today.  Where were the creative geniuses Goofy and Starfish?

There is a motion to have a variation of Alternating Shoulder taps in the standing position.  We did not try this out today but figure that someone will be trying them soon.

Snooki was able to Double Dutch during the Unders

Great job today by Land Shark after he put on a great party for Starfish over the weekend.  He and Light Brigade were really getting after it today.

Hazer was cruising again today and great to have him back after his knee issues.

Pita was really excited today and had lots of energy, he should have burned some of that off on the pre run.

Strong work by all of the Pax today, many of them made the work look easy when it was all that YHC could do to say what the next exercise would be in between catching breaths.

Kotters to Fancy, glad that he could make it back out and good luck to him as he starts a new block at school.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the format of 97 seconds of work.  YHC had emphasized the importance of good form and full range of motion over number of reps.  It turns out that 97 seconds is a long time to do an exercise.  The minimal break between exercises was intentional so that we could try and get in as many rounds as possible.

The mosey out to the gate was cut a little short since YHC had failed to keep the group together and to give us more time to work together.  We also didn’t do the grand tour of the AO given the wet conditions and to give us more time for work instead of just running from place to place.

The warmarama numbers of 19 and 21 were to represent 1921, the year that Carolyn was born.  The start with Squats was definitely something new and we were able to end with SSH.  YHC had purposely avoided doing many of the standard warm up exercises after a discussion about form and injury prevention with CheeseSteak.

This was a Merkin free workout today and no LBCs were harmed during the workout either.

It was nice of Van Gogh to join us for a couple of rounds of exercises and to let us know that the website is back up and running.

The Break 20/22/24 crew launched from the upper lot and did their own COT. Next time would be great to get both groups together for COT.


Big T Claps to LandShark and his M and Starfish’s M for a great 50th birthday party for Starfish this weekend.

The website is back up now since you are reading this.


Please remember Fokker’s wife as she is having some hip pain during this pregnancy.

Please remember Snooki and Blue Steele”s Grandmother who is in the hospital with pneumonia and the flu.

YHC took us out giving thanks for the ability to be out with each other.  For the strength to be the change that we want to see in the world and to be the light to help others see their way out of the darkness that they may find themselves in.

It was an honor to be out with everyone today as this is the best way for YHC to start a day by getting better with each of you.




  • Burlap
    January 29, 2018 2:13 pm

    Strong numbers and stronger work. Ninety-seven is indeed a long time to do an exercise well. I realized this at RNG when struggling through 30 seconds of tabata.

    • Toe Tag
      January 29, 2018 6:38 pm

      Thanks, it seemed like a long time for sure. Hope to have another edition next year.

  • Nick Ashburn
    January 29, 2018 6:01 pm

    Every single one of those 97 seconds was miserable, especially during the XO ab exercises! Thanks for the great Q, Toe Tag!

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