Milestones at Redline

QIC: Beverly

Date: 2/20/18

PAX: 23

23 pax convened at Hanes Park to test their stamina with some mile repeats. This was a #nofun workout, made somewhat tolerable by having the support of 22 other men experiencing the same pain as you.

For those #BreakingSomething, it was a true test to see how far we’ve come in our quest to PR the 5k. If you can run three mile repeats at goal pace with 3 weeks of training left, you’re are ready to #breaksomething and set a new milestone.

The plan was simple:

~1 mi warmup around the West End hills

1600 at 5k pace

800 recovery

Repeato x 3, or as much as time allows

Cool down


Mr Hand will conduct his annual “Track By Hand” series in March at Redline, which is during the heart of his #BostonMarathon training. Quarters not included.

YHC took us out thankful for fitness, fellowship, and faith.


  • Thanks to those who were not part of the #BreakingSomething movement for humoring us over the last two weeks. Valdez wasn’t quite sure what was going upon arrival, but humored us and ran strong.
  • Several pax arrived early to get in 4 mile repeats. YHC saw The Vig, Interference, Winklevoss, and Ramses, and I’m sure there were others.
  • Two pax (Resistor and Juice Box), did this workout yesterday. T-Claps!
  • Hazer is silently getting back to form after extended rehab. Good to see you out there!It was good to hear all of the encouragement as you were either passed or passing others. It made the miles go by a little faster.
  • The BreakingSomething crew is looking forward to repeatinig this workout again next week. #notreally