Tower of not-so-Terror at Flatline
QIC: Spicoli
Date: 2/6/2018
PAX: Pita, Sleeper, Burlap (WD), Hedwig (WB), Cherry Pie, Starfish (in town on a Tuesday!), Toto (#Cotters), Spicoli
8 PAX met up in a chilly parking lot to discover their #Flatline threshold. YHC made up a fool proof plan to keep the PAX moving while sticking to the You vs You motto.
- Concerned that Hedwig was on the way, YHC gave the disclaimer while PAX were in SSH mode. After a bit of that, we headed out up Marshall street toward Sawtooth.
- Exercises as we stopped: IST, Hillbillies, Merkins all in IC x 10 or something
- Note!: stopped in front of Cycle Bar and, as a nod to #AlrightAlright’s notorious Monkey Humpers in front of the former occupant, The Rush (aka Clown Gym), we did Freddy Mercury IC outside the front door.
- Hedwig finds us at the corner of 4th & Marshall
Mosey with a couple stops to parking garage
“Looked good on paper”
Starting with 5 burpees, run up each landing and increase burpee count by 5. YHC was pretty sure there were 8 landings. After the 3rd, called an OMAHA because YHC wasn’t feelin’ it. Maybe I’m just a pushover; if we stuck to the plan, would have done 180 burpees. #TimeWaster
Switched to:
4th landing: 20 jump squats
5th landing: 25 merkins
6th landing: 30 plank jacks
7th landing: 15 burpees, 10 jump squats, 10 merkins
8th landing: 40 DC Freddy Mercury
Centipede Run (like the video game) back down the parking garage = down the stairs 1 flight, across the landing, down the other stairs, across the landing (going up), etc. until we reached the bottom.
5 rounds of 10 pullups, 20 merkins, 30 squats. Break em up as you like
After that Mosey back to parking lot for 3ish-man Grinder:
Station A:
- Hand Release merkins: 10
- Squats: 10
- low dolly: 10
Run to Wall for Station B
Station B:
- Donkey kicks: 10
- Lunges: 10
- low flutter: 10
with 5 minutes left, gathered for MOM
Round the horn MOM:
Van Goghdas: IC 10 (Toto thought this was very easy. His ab strength is impressive.)
Low Dollys, something else, Pickle Pounders, etc.
- Pita asked for prayers for his neighbor who is facing some health challenges
- Burlap asked for prayers related to the challenges of parenting
YHC took us out with the following quote about Grace:
“how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. and so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, it all comes down to one word. grace. it’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light”
Also gave thanks to this community and ask us all to continue to lead by example, to be men of purpose, confidence, and grace as we walk through each other’s lives.
- Before the launch, a few PAX talked about a person who was pulled who had an F3 sticker on their car. As we circled up, Pita indicated that he thought Hedwig was supposed to be here. Coincidence?
- Result: Hedwig got pulled on the way to post and found us during the warmup lap after our display of awesome in front of the Cycle Bar. #Dedication
- P.S. Apparently Hedwig sent a text to Pita stating he was having an interview with the local PD
- Great to see Starfish during the week, who was in touch for Caviar’s playoff basketball game and for the good of his own teeth.
- #Cotters to Toto. Good to see you out after dealing with a shoulder injury.