Running and doing stuff

QIC: Whirly

Date: 03/08/18

7 pax (Mutton, Roosevelt, Van Gogh, Bluto, Toto, Thistle, Whirly) gathered at HP to run and do stuff:

Before the running and doing stuff, a little warmorama:

SSH x 25 IC

IST x 20 IC

Whirly clappers x 20 IC

Abe Vigoda x 10 IC


Run one lap around the track, then do the following stuff:

Round 1

Dirkins x 20 OYO

Box jumps x 20 OYO

Low flutters x 20 OYO

Run one lap around the track, then do the following stuff:

Round 2

Merkins x 20 OYO

Right leg step ups x 20 OYO

Mutton crunch (right side) x 20 OYO

Run one lap around the track, then do the following stuff:

Round 3

Irkins x 20 OYO

Squats x 20 OYO

Gas pumps x 20 OYO

Run one lap around the track, then do the following stuff:

Round 4

Dips x 20 OYO

Left leg step ups x 20 OYO

Mutton crunch (left side) x 20 OYO

Keep running and doing stuff until 6:15


Van Gogh flawlessly articulated the F3 mission statement prior to the beat down.

Van Gogh would appreciate it if all the pax could/would be willing to articulate the F3 mission statement prior to all beat downs.

There is an expectation by some pax for the WIB Q to post a detailed preblast with turn by turn directions, exercises and numbers of reps, even if all the pax have to do is show up and do what is prescribed (like most other workouts). YHC was unable to determine if the source of this expectation is merely the expectation itself, or something more concrete.  Either way, if you preblast it, [some of the pax] will come.  If you don’t, they might not.

Van Gogh can tell you “why they’re called gas pumps.”


UA now launches from Bailey Park.  Blue Steel has his VQ there tomorrow.  Blue Steel is Snooki’s brother- consider yourself warned.

IS will launch an hour early (6:00) Saturday to help facilitate the team helping with the Habitat for Humanity project.

Prayer requests

Thistle’s son is deployed and his communication with Thistle is more limited than that of most fathers/sons.

Josiah (Aladdin) has been deployed to Afghanistan.


YHC took us out with thanksgiving for what he have (and are constantly tempted to take for granted) and lifted up Thistle’s son and Aladdin (Josiah Jeffers).





  • Van Gogh
    March 8, 2018 8:36 pm

    Thanks for the BB, @Whirly, and thanks for the Q this morning! Both great… And thanks for the gas pump reminder!

    WIB always used to have an official PreBlast back before the site went down. Same with RunNGun, OGs, Tractors, and Speed Trap. Not sure if it’s a concrete requirement, but it’d be nice to see us maintaining that same level of excellence. It makes sense for roaming AOs and running routes that change week to week, as it’s easy to find (unlike tweets) and visible to anyone visiting or FNGs.


  • Kevin Altman
    March 8, 2018 11:11 pm

    Man, people seem to have strong opinions about this preblast thing. What do you think, Van Gogh?

    As for me, it seems a little overkill for a bunch of dudes that are just getting together to run and do stuff.

  • Spicoli
    March 11, 2018 9:11 pm

    Looks like a strong workout, Whirly.

    That said, WIB, and other OYO style workouts are best served with preblasts. In my experience, WIB is often a you do you workout: should one get there late or get separated knowing the route and routine ahead of time is advantageous. My $0.02

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