Stopping to Smell the Wisteria at Conspiracy

QIC: Toto

Date: 04/18/2018

PAX: Juice Box, Beverly, Screech, Blue Steel, Cheesesteak, Glazer, Snookie, Spicoli, Hazel, Thistle, Miyagi, Man Scape, Swiss Miss, Lemming, Chisel, Rust Bucket, Mutton, Fokker, Greenspan, Toto

20 amazing Pax posted for the latest edition of the original Wednesday F3WS Bootcamp better known as Conspiracy.  Today’s Q had been around these parts quite a lot lately, but not at the prescribed time to participate in any kind of proper 1st, 2nd or even 3rd F with his good buddies.  Thank you Glazer for pulling me back in.

The workout was designed to be fun and to give the Q plenty of time to think about the next set of exercises as the wheels are a bit rusty.  Various Pax were asked to remember:  Greenboro, Mayhem, Choo Choo, Flora, Off to the Races, and Return to help the Q through the sequences.  Swiss Miss was assigned as official timekeeper and did a fabulous job.

Workout was like this:

Greensboro:  Due to the fencing put up all around the key areas of Hanes Park by the Greensboro Construction Company, we the upstanding citizens of Winston-Salem, were forced to warm up jog around the YMCA vs. the track.

Mayhem:  All faced West and wiggled our fingers and made intimidating noises to place a hex on the WFoCo pax of our tribe.  We know that Van Gogh probably had them doing one-armed pull ups with weight vests at the time.  They could have spent it with us instead.  We then had a fairly standard warm up.

Choo Choo:  Plank trains up the side lawn of the YMCA.  One was with bunny hops, the other with bear crawl.  Grass was long and wet and hands were cold by the end.

Flora:  Mosey over to the base of Brookstown.  Run up the hill all the way to 4th street.  Right before the intersection, on the left-hand side, there is a large Wisteria vine in full bloom.  The beautiful color was hard to appreciate in the street light’s glow, but the fragrance was unmistakable.  We ran together and enjoyed the flora together too!

Then we headed to the parking lot of the insurance agency and then to West End Café.  At the Insurance Agency we did a 100 Burpee Machine.  At WE Café, it was People’s Donkey Balls x2.  Toto enjoys the West End Café quite a lot.  Usually the food is well-prepared.  They’ve got fancy steaks and seafood specials as well as more humble PB&J on the menu.  They also don’t make you feel bad for ordering a burger at dinner if that’s what you’re in the mood for.  Simple and comfortable.

Off to the Races:  4 sprints vs. another pax on Jersey between Clover and Brookstown.

Return:  Go back to the parking lot, Rewind up the last portion of Clover by running backwards.

Mary:  Passed the Q around the circle until Swiss Miss said that time was up.



Ultimate Runner sign up is live.  Get on it if you want it.  Slots go quickly, just like the runners.  And BAM and Kapow are in!

Prayer Breakfast.  See Hazer for more information.  Tables, etc… available.  5/1.  YMCA, Love out Loud, New Caanan Society.  Breakfast and prayers.  Approx 800 folks attended last time.

Wiley Chicken Fund raiser.  Thursday 5/3.  Plates of smoked chickens and sides.  Order on line.  Will deliver for 10+.


The Word:

Toto:  Thanks for the group and that it’s there when you need it.  Help us to take the goodwill forward through our day.



That was tough given that the Q’s cardio is lacking lately.  Thank you all for hanging around.  It wasn’t at all the toughest F3 workout ever, but hopefully you got something related to a 1st F out of it.

Thank you to all for helping to keep the sequence of activities straight and sharing the load.

Do take time to appreciate the Wisteria.  It isn’t in bloom for long and is very beautiful.


Peace be with you!


  • Burlap
    April 18, 2018 8:39 am

    YHC (ironically) likes how Toto refers to his Toto-ness in the third person.

    • Thistle
      April 18, 2018 11:54 am

      Just don’t want Toto’s third person references to become phrased as, The Toto. Appreciate the leadership, Toto. Great way to start the day.

  • Greenspan
    April 18, 2018 10:30 am

    Great job, Toto. Enjoyed the variety of activities.

  • BAM
    April 18, 2018 12:23 pm

    Oh yeah, well we had a homemade spinny thingy at the premier kettlebell workout! Take that stupid wisteria.

    And the BAM had a memorable fragrance in the car going to the beat down. Evidently the dog pooped in a spot YHC wasn’t expecting walking to the car. And to top it off, there was a dead skunk in the road that the BAM’s car might have clipped. Wisteria blooms sound lovely.

    Thanks for the Ultimate Runner plug! June 30 is race day, register now! Always a fun time.

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