Creepy Times at #Parliament

QIC – Bluto

Date 5/29/18

PAX:  Balco, Beast Lite, Palin, Whirly (Partial Credit), Sgt Schultz (Partial Credit), Schneider, Boomerang, Tuco, Bluto


Sgt Schultz was kind enough to allow me to Q today.  There being rain in the forecast, I was happy I accepted knowing of the covered sidewalks.


We started with 8 PAX for the W-o-R.  Whirly excused himself to Bojangle’s after Whirly with the C(l/r)ap and resurfaced energized and 5 lbs lighter 15 minutes later.  Other W-o-R exercises may or may not have included SSH, Abe Vigoda, Arm circle thingies forward and back and Squats.


The Thang:

40 minutes of Tabata (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off) – 10 moves in a snake draft format (1-10, 10-1, 1-10, 10-1).  The PAX did Merkins, Squats, American Hammers, Dips, Lunges, Low Flutter, 6 Inches, Mtn Climbers, Heels to Heaven and Mike Tysons.



Simple, but hopefully effective.


Lots of MC:

Apparently Whirly did not emerge immediately from his vehicle after his Bojangle’s sojourn, but he did watch us.  Not creepy at all.

And our esteemed Site Q, Sgt Schultz, performed a similar maneuver after arriving at 550.  As an attorney, he should know better.  Once in the mix, he entertained the PAX with jazz hands and other not-so-smooth dance moves.

Palin somehow thought the #snake pictured on the oversized, cardboard Weinke resembled, shall we say, an item in his nightstand.  Yikes.  #PalinsNightStand

Beast Lite had much fiber for dinner last night.

Schneider was working off a celebratory weekend at the lake.

Balco is not to run today.

More probably happened, but that’s all I can remember.


Have a good day, men.  And thanks for the chance, Schultzy.






1 Comment

  • Kevin Altman
    May 29, 2018 3:17 pm

    Of course I waited to emerge- I wanted to give you guys time to get done with the Mike Tysons…how was I to know you were going to do them again?

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