Things went Boom at VI

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 6/25/2018

PAX: Drama Queen (WD), IceDancer, SourMash, Vegemite, Drano (in time for Mary after 7 miles) and Boomerang-also a sighting of Ramses after run


Q: Boomerang

Pax: Drama Queen (WD), IceDancer, SourMash, Vegemite, Drano (in time for Mary after 7 miles) and Boomerang-also a sighting of Ramses after run

Another humid start to the workout at one of the best WeFoCo workouts.  YHC’s VQ at VI

Mission statement given and with no FNG’s we got down to it.


SSH X 20

Storm Troopers X 21 (Q lost in the count)

Whirly with the Clap X 20

Mosey to shelter to continue warmarama

Plank Jacks X 15

Arm swirls forward X 15

Arm swirls backwards X 15

Overhead claps X 15

On your own

Jack Reachers X 15

Mike Tyson’s X 15

BTW until 6 finishes


Lap around the track-Indian Run (according to some it was a very fast pace)

To parking lot (Q fail, no direction given as to where to go)

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 run back to start

10 Merkins, Bear Crawl 10 yards 20 Merkins, 10 more yards 30 Merkins, 10 yards, 40 Merkins, 10 yards, 50 Merkins.

Next 10 Squats, Lunge Walk 10 yards 20 Squats, 10 more yards etc until 50 Squats.

Next Bear Crawl – Monkey Humpers-same as above

Lastly Lunge Walk – Burpees 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Mosey back to start


Mutton crunches X 20 each side

LBC X 20

Penguin crunches X 20

Low Flutter X 15



Minimal mumble chatter this AM. IceDancer was wondering if gloves were needed during or forwarmup, been a long time so I guess he forgot. Some worried that we overdid it on shoulders during warmup and in hind sight I agree.


Shmedfest mention for August in announcements.  YHC took us out with thanks for the health He gives each of us, praying for those struggling with addictions both in silence and openly and encouraged us to be the men in our homes, work and community that we are called to be.

Strong work by all today.  Pleasure to lead the PAX this morning. Strong work by all.

Sassy, keys are at the front desk in the Y.



  • DQ Drama Queen
    June 25, 2018 6:55 pm

    Very strong work Boomerang. YHC doesn’t often modify on merkins. Serious chest and shoulder work today

  • Sour Mash
    June 26, 2018 8:55 am

    Indian Run was VERY fast, but everyone came back for the 6! Thighs are still sore from the monkey humpers. Sufficient beatdown!

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