Simple and Encouraging Iron Sharpening Happened at Bells&Whistles

QIC: Rust Bucket

Date: 7/11/2018

PAX: BAM, Bluto, Boomerang, Burns, Cobra, Interference, Light Brigade, Millhouse, Rust Bucket, Sgt. Schultz, The Singing Cowboy

The premise was simple: keep the workout uncomplicated and focus on encouraging the PAX to push just a little harder, to run just a little bit faster, to execute just one more rep of each exercise. This is what makes us better, to push a little bit more and reap the benefits at the end of it all. Then YHC worked to further involve the PAX by getting them to encourage each other throughout the workout. Iron Sharpens Iron and it turns out there was a lot of Iron being sharpened this morning. Proud of this group of men!


Here’s how it all went down.


Warm o Rama:

The usual fare of SSH, Whirly With a Clap, Merkins, Overhead Clap, Mosey one lap around the flag pole island with various stretches along the way.


The Thang: Simple and Uncomplicated

Partner up at the flag pole. Partner A remains at the pole and performs exercises listed AMRAP. Partner B runs around the flag pole island and then flapjacks with Partner A.

  • Bent Over Rows
  • Reverse Curls
  • Overhead Squats
  • American Hammer
  • LBC
  • Skull Crushers
  • WWII Sit Ups
  • Curls
  • Overhead Press


Slow mosey as a group around the island.

Circle up for called exercises by YHC, Cobra, and Sgt. Schultz

Announcements / NMM:

Shmedfest is coming up on Aug. 25th. Watch twitter for details.

BAM has multiple Qs this week starting with TRQ on Thursday. It’s well worth the trip to Speas Elementary for a BAM Q.

Kotters to Interference who is returning from a foot injury. The boot came off yesterday and he’s already out here. Ok to push through pain, but NOT to the point of injury. Take it easey and modify as necessary.

The Singing Cowboy, Bluto, and Cobra were at it early this morning. Getting in some extra credit miles before the workout began. Strong work, men.

Thanks to Burns for the partner work, he was really flying around the island during the runs and really encouraged YHC during exercises. Just what I needed to get me through.

30 years ago today, the Singing Cowboy nearly lost his foot to a lawnmower. All of us are better off for that not happening.

Millhouse was pushing Cobra during the runs. With the encouragement of the PAX, I think he might have caught Cobra right at the end. Perfect example of Iron Sharpening Iron… great work, men.

Millhouse, because it was his first posting at Bells&Whistles, got to keep the lawnmower baseball that was preventing the weinke from being blown away. I’m sure he will cherish it always.

Light Brigade arrived in style this morning in his convertible Lexus with the top down, and I think he was wearing shades at 5:20am too. But he was all business during the beatdown. Really pushing himself and others. Proud of this guy.

Boomerang and Sgt. Schultz continue to amaze YHC. The beatdowns don’t get easier but these guys are living proof that you do get stronger. Great to watch them work.

Cobra provided the music and noted that it was Pandora and he had no control over the playlist… just in case a RUSH song happened to come on. Of course the PAX were all secretly hoping one would play so we could see the delight on Sgt. Schultz’s face.

Kudos to Sgt. Schultz for making multiple trips around the island in both directions without getting lost even once! Luv ya, Man!



YHC too us out with words of thanks and prayers for spoken and unspoken requests. I honestly don’t remember what I said but trust that it was from the heart.

Thanks for the keys, Cobra. A true honor to lead this group of Iron Men!


Rust Bucket