It’s going to rain…no it isn’t….wait yes it is. All at TRQ

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 08/02/18

PAX: Light Brigade (WD), 6 Mil (WB), Whirly, Spamalot

Date:  08/02/18

Q:  Spamalot

Pax:  Light Brigade (WD), 6 Mil (WB), Whirly, Spamalot


There are many factors that go into planning to Q.  One of the is absolutely the weather.  This time of year, the chances of rain need to factored into any decision.  Yesterday, YHC faithfully checked TWC for the forecast.  Rain it said.  Rain and more rain.  Upwards of 90% chance of rain.

Based on this “science” YHC prepared a Tabata workout, all to be performed under the covered area in front of Speas.  Excellent playlist, all with screaming guitar solos was uploaded to the iPhone.

But then something odd happened.  Before going to sleep, the forecast changed to suggest that it might not necessarily be a washout.  So YHC quickly thought of some good ol fashioned rock exercises we could do.


As YHC drove to the AO this morning, it was not raining.  TWC…whatever.   The next question….would any other Pax show up?  By 525, the answer appeared to be a resounding “no.”  Soon, Whirly pulled in, followed closely by Light Brigade.  Let’s circle up boys, and see what we can accomplish.


Just before we began, another car pulled in, and 6 Mil got out.  (Not sure why he selected an all white tee shirt…)


At this point, it was not raining.  (non-raining workout)



Quick Mosey lap around parking lot to get the blood moving.

Circle up for:  IST, Sungods, Copperhead squats, Abe Vigoda.  All x 15, all IC



Mosey to flag pole.  Overhead claps, Seal Claps, Arm swirly things forward, Arm swirly things reverse.  All x 15, all IC

Mosey to far end of parking lot.  SSH, R leg lunge, L leg lunge, squats.  All x 15, all IC

Mosey back to front of school under covered area.  LBCs, low flutter, penguin crunch, low dolly.  All x 15, all IC


At this point it begins to rain…HARD.

(switch to raining workout)

Mosey to long covered area.  Time for some ladder work.  Start with 10 Merkins, then mosey to end of walkway, perform 1 SSH.  Mosey back for 9 Merkins, then mosey and perform 2 SSH.  Continue this pattern until 1 Merking and 10 SSH.


Rain stops.  (switch to non-raining workout)


Mosey to rock pile, and grab a medium sized rock and 2 small sized rocks.  6 Mil may or may not have attempted to grab a snake.  All hoping it was not.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.


Begin with medium rock, perform called exercise.  Then immediately drop rock and grab the 2 small rocks, perform exercise.  Then drop 2 small rocks and run around grassy circle area.  All exercises IC.

Curls x 15 (medium)

Curls x 15 (small)



Skull crushers x 15 (medium)

Skull crushers x 15 (small)



Bent over rows x 15 (medium)

Bent over rows x 15 (small)



Overhead press x 15 (medium)

Overhead press x 15 (small)



Using smallest of the 2 small rocks, perform:

Side arm raise Right x 15

Side arm raise Left x 15

Front arm raise Right x 15

Front arm raise Left x 15



Return all rocks to pile, and mosey back to launch point.




Appreciate the three guys who came out despite the weather.  For a few minutes, YHC was concerned that no one was going to post.  Was beginning to think whether YHC would have completed the workout on my own.  Glad it did not come to that.

Whirly and YHC seriously debated calling an Omaha and just going to WIB.  Based on the what Burlap brought the unlucky Pax there, and the fact that 2 more Pax came to TRQ…we made the right call.

Light Brigade was expecting Landshark to post, but apparently the rain kept Landshark away.  But it did not rain…so where was Landshark?  If he had posted, we would have had 3 lawyers there….(insert joke)

Congrats to 6 Mil and his wife!  They are proud parents of a baby girl (about 1 month old)!!  TClaps for coming out to post.  Apparently, she is sleeping during the day.  It will get better.  Enjoy her!  Kids are the best.

Again, not entirely sure why 6 Mil wore an all white cotton tee shirt.  Hope it gets clean.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Shmedfest.  Need YHC say more?  Ok, it is August 25.  While it is free, please make sure to register so Plunger and his amazing crew know how many people will be coming!  Food, music, fellowship!  What more could you ask for?  Oh yeah, it is all in support of an amazing group that truly makes a difference in our community.  Want to learn more about Shmedfest?  or check out their Facebook page:

Want to donate to Shmedfest?

Not sure if you have listened to the recent podcast of Plunger and his M discussing Shmedfest.  If not, do so.  It is time well spent.


BBBC invades OG/Tractors tomorrow.  Come run with the best running groups in the area!  SourMash on Q!

Lunch bunch will likely happen. Check Twitter.


YHC took us out, giving thanks for the weather and this group of men. Prayers for those who are sick, ill, and fighting addiction.  Prayers/thanks for 6 Mil, his M, and their newborn daughter.


Wobegon – Thanks for opportunity to lead this morning.  Be good.





  • Kevin Altman
    August 2, 2018 8:29 am

    We did all that? Man, we must be awesome! Good times SPAM- thanks for leading.

  • Spamalot
    August 2, 2018 2:31 pm

    Appreciate you coming out this morning.

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