The Almost All Hate Estate

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 08/06/2018

PAX:  Swiss Miss, Chisel, Barbie, Snooki, Cheesesteak, Touch Me Not, Drama Queen

It was a busy weekend for YHC.  27 hr round trip for a Hometown F3 guest Q, church, 18 holes Sun PM, and writing a backblast for the aforementioned Q.  Thus, not a lot of prep for The Estate Mon AM.  It was a long drive over, so throw some toys in the car and something would come together.

6 eager pax rolled in, some brief intros for pax YHC rarely sees and we were off.

WARMORAMA consisted of several of the standards and a DQ special of Dry Dock Crabs – this agile group of pax performed these quite admirably or at least that’s the way it looked.

We then knocked out some dynamic running with Apollo Creeds, Hi Knees, Butt Kickers and Cariocas.

Then it was a mosey down to the soccer field.  YHC believes it was Swiss Miss that noted the tracks made about 20 minutes earlier when the toys were deposited.

Not being a soccer coach and a possessor of cones, YHC used two running vests and a bag of ropes to mark our three stops for The Beast – a Van Pelt favorite that he imported from Charlotte.  This was also used Sat in Waynesville so why not again.  There was some slight modification on an apparent tradition as burpees were avoided on the last round.  We still got in

  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Jump Squats
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Low Flutters
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Cobra Humpers

After that we partnered up and went cross field with

  • Partner push
  • Partner pull
  • Saratogas x2

Back up the hill to intersection of paved paths.  Same partners – one ran around circle at top near The Silo and other partner stayed and did exercises. Flapjacking upon return of P1s. We rotated thru merkins, LBCs and Squats.

Back to lot for about 2 minutes of Mary – Freddie Mercs and Box Cutters – I think?


Fairly quiet bunch of hates – YHC didn’t realize this until Nameorama when several attempts to Aye the 30  somethings didn’t stick.  Therefore, YHC was going off to college, voting, registering for the draft, and drinking beer (yes it was legal then) when the oldest of these was born.  Sobering.

The Beast is a beast but with the right exercises it pushes you to just the right spot.  Note lack of burpees and Molotov merkins.

Q didn’t get lost too bad but directions for the run up to the circle were a little sketchy.  Cobains – not my normal Monday AO


Shmedfest and all Shmedfest related activities are right around the corner – drink beer on Tuesdays to prepare for the big day 8/25



Barbie lifted up his family who are new to town and kids making adjustment

YHC took us out

Always an honor

Old DQ


1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    August 8, 2018 12:25 pm

    Hardest working Pax around!! Strong work by all.

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