
QIC: Ice Dancer

Date: 10/20/18

PAX: Fingers, TouchMeNot, Huckleberry, Butter Maker, Drama Queen, Ice Dancer (QIC)

Pax: Fingers, Touch-Me-Not, Huckleberry, Butter Maker, Drama Queen, Ice Dancer (QIC)

Many of you may not know this, but there is a pretty cool group of non conformist runners that meet in #WeFoCo on Wednesday’s for #KatsMeow and Friday for #BBBC.  At the most recent version of #BBBC, Harden was lamenting about trying to recover from a nagging injury in preparation for the Bourbon Chase while also having to Q at the best AO in all of #DashStrong, #DawgPound, the following morning.  YHC happened to be the only person that was a part of the conversation, and so Harden got the obligatory, ” oh, that sucks. Don’t be ashamed to give up your Q duties.”  Not surprisingly, YHC got a DM on twitter two hours later asking to take over his Q duties. YHC happily obliged.  For those that also don’t know, #DawgPound is my favorite F3 workout: running with pain stations.  It really doesn’t get any better than that.  Later that night, while enjoying a distilled beverage, Harden requested only one thing, that YHC incorporate burpees.  Easy enough as I hadn’t come up with a game plan and we were 8 hrs within launch time.  Nothing like a good idea to be the anchor for a good beat down.


Indian run one lap around Tanglewood Sqaure (~ .45 miles), progressively getting faster when YHC went to front.

SSH, WindMills, Whirly with a clap, Chuck Norris Merkins, LBCs

The Thang:

Partner up and then choose a tree on the other side of Tanglewood Square.

Partner 1 runs to tree and back (~.35 miles) while Partner 2 does Burpees. Then Flapjack.

Recover with Plank o’ramas

Indian run one lap around Tanglewood Sqaure (~ .45 miles), progressively getting faster when YHC went to front. (This is where #TheMutiny began forming)

Low Flutter x 50’ish

Partner up and then choose a tree on the other side of Tanglewood Square.

Partner 1 runs to tree and back ~.35 miles while Partner 2 does Burpees. Then flapjack.

Recover with Plank

Indian Run called for – open rebellion ensued.  2 Pax members split off.  However, calmer heads eventually prevailed, and entire PAX reunited at entrance to Medicine Wheel. ~.28 miles

box-cutters, werkins

Mosey to medicine wheel and choose your buddy (rock).

21s  (or 25s) Bicep Curls,

Over head press

Skull crushers

Mosey around Nature Trail loop Dips, dips at benches to wait for six.

Mosey back to medicine wheel, grab buddy. ~.62 miles

Squats, LBC arms extended with buddy, LBC with buddy on chest.

Mosey to your tree with your partner at Tanglewood Square.

Pax was given 60 secs to make it to original starting line on the other side of Tanglewood Square. If PAX made it, beatdown was over, if they did not, more fun was in store.  Pax made it  78 secs, 18 secs over time.  PAX was given the opportunity to complete 18 burpees on their own.

In total PAX got it in ~3.5 miles with a fair share of burpees.

Done-Zo! #EasyPeasyLemonSqueezy.



YHC led us out.

Mumble Chatter:

During Indian run #2 –

PAX member #1 ” You can catch’m ’cause I’m not. ”

PAX member 2 said encouragingly, “No, you got it.  You’re going to do it!”

PAX member #1, ” The hell I am!”

During Indian run #3 –

Q yelling at front of PAX to halt while Q and Pax Member #4 caught up.

PAX member #4 confused and relieved, “Halt?! ok, I can halt!”

Q laughing, “not you, we have to catch up”

PAX member #4, not laughing, ” Ok, not me. I keep going?”


It was a humid morning and the PAX really pushed it. Always an honor to Q.  Fingers, thanks for the Keys!