Rainy Days in the Woods of Tanglewood

QIC: Ice Dancer

Date: 10/26/2018

PAX: Drama Queen, Schneider, Sassy, Ice Dancer (for motivational quotes on windshields)

Q: Ice Dancer (as written by Sassy)
Date: 10/26/2018
PAX: Drama Queen, Schneider, Sassy, Ice Dancer (for motivational quotes on our windshield)

Well…YHC awoke to a radar that made the pillow seem very cozy, but there are races coming up very soon and it is mornings like this that will make the finish line that much sweeter. Sweet finish lines > pillows and onward to Tanglewood to find, not surprisingly, that YHC was the first (and only?) car to show in the driving downpour and 45 degrees. As YHC took off, a pickup truck pulled into the lot and YHC wondered if it was one of Harden, Sour Mash, or Schneider. The weather this morning was nearly identical to the 2nd leg of the Bourbon Chase with slightly heavier rains, so YHC rocked short sleeves and shorts because who likes wet long sleeves?

After YHC’s ascent to the clubhouse and back to the train, two other headlamps were approaching. YHC tried to get both headlamps to follow the loop, but Schneider had had enough of the rain and ran straight back to the parking lot while DQ joined YHC for a slightly faster jaunt than YHC expected. We discussed whether we were crazy for running in this (of course we are) and commiserating about our football teams.

Ice Dancer put the routes up in another post on here, maybe? We didn’t really follow them anyways, as all PAX went somewhere around 3-4.25 miles.

Announcements/Prayer Requests
DQ’s friend’s son was in a car accident a couple years ago and is now having skull reconstruction surgery. He is 22, prayers that he is able to continue recovering after this surgery.

Prayers to Ice Dancer as he is sidelined. Hope you are back out there soon and thank you for your posting of the routes! YHC doesn’t like to plan any more routes than necessary.

Safe travels to anyone traveling through this rain today.

What a great morning to run. YHC has come to realize that running in the cool rain is the absolute best, really. YHC also cheered for rain in golf tournaments growing up though, there’s just something fun about testing your mental fortitude and being positive in the face of the negativity that rain can bring out in many. Some of YHC’s most memorable workouts are in heavy rain: one of YHC’s first posts at UA, about a year ago at UA when Burlap spared no one running up and down a hill in a driving rain, and a couple BBBC’s that have had driving rains. Maybe it only rains on Fridays?

Props to Schneider and Drama Queen for showing up. Also props to the many deer that were hiding out in the woods of Tanglewood admiring the quick pace that DQ was dragging YHC around in. Your beady eyes did not go unnoticed.

It’s been mentioned, but it is worth mentioning again…relay races, half-marathons, marathons, 50k’s, this group is freaking awesome. Everyone has pushed themselves to places they’ve never been before, now let’s EH a brother and push them to new heights as well!