Village Idiocy 10/14/18

QIC: Lite Brite

Date: 10/15/18

PAX: Vegamite, Bulldog, Drano, DQ, Seargant Shultz, Lite Brite, Schneider

Finally !!!! cool weather. We have been waiting for real thing for some time and it finally arrived in force.

We were missing  some of the usual suspects , as they were probably recovering from the big race over the weekend. Awesome work to all of you.

Warm O Rama– SSH, Copper Head Squats, Peter Parker, Merkins, Abe Vigoda & Whirley with a clap.

Mosey to track, YHC brought along a headlamp to light the way.

The objective was to run 2 corners on the YMCA track.  Partner Up

FIRST CORNER:  20 single count lunges (a) elbow plank (b),  flip flop. drop down to 12 single count lunges and same core exercise.

SECOND CORNER:  10 pull ups (a) Al Gore or partner assist, flip flop. drop  to 8 pull ups on the second round.

We repeated this series 2 additional times.

MOSEY to to hill to locate cinder blocks-  All I can tell you is that nobody wanted to lift the brand new cinder blocks

Curls for the girls/ skull crushers/ bent over rows,  switch cinder blocks.  REPEAT


MOSEY- to hill.  Partner (a) down to bottom of hill 5 burpees, partner (b) wall sit. Flip Flop.  5 burpees to 1.

MOSEY to parking lot for Mary  ( Low Flutter, Penguin Crunch’s, ????)

COT- We prayed for a young lady who was killed in our community and people still effected by the recent storms.


Enjoyed spending time with the Pax this Monday and had a mini coffeteria with Vegamite and Drano. Thx Vegamite for treating us!!!!