12 Days of Something Somewhere

QIC: Balco

Date: 12/01/18

PAX:  Zima, RedEye, The Vig, Fingers, Starfish, Winklevoss, Drano


YHC always enjoys my time whenever I venture out to TP.  Since it was the first of December I felt it was safe to have a Christmas theme and thought the 12 Days of Christmas was reasonable since we don’t hate that song again (yet).  It went a little something like this.

Mosey somewhere


SSH, IST, Arm swirly things/seal claps/OH Claps, Whirly, Merkins

Mosey somewhere

The Thang…we moseyed somewhere then did  “1 day” worth of exercise in the spirit of the song

Day 1 – Plank for the 6

Day 2 – 2 WWI (or WWII if you are The Vig)

Day 3 – 3 Smurf jacks

Day 4 – 4 Heels to heaven

Day 5 – 5 Burpees (of course)

Day 6 – 6 Freddie Mercs

Day 7 – 7 Carolina Dry Docks

Day 8 – 8 MC

Day 9 – 9 LBCs

Day 10 – 10 Merkins

Day 11 – 11 Monkey humpers

Day 12 – WWII


Prayer Requests – Starfish’s MIL recently dx with Alzheimer’s Disease

YHC took us out praying for all the Mistletoers and the Starfish family


  1. Workout started light but picked up 5-6 days into it
  2. Someone asked where TR has been and I said the he has a new job working for someone doing something that makes him travel to some places.  Starfish figured that if someone wasn’t in the medical field then I didn’t know what they did.  He is generally correct.  I don’t understand what people do when the go to an “office” and go to “meetings” or “consult on things”