
Title: Detour!

Date:  January 8th, 2019

Pax:  Total Recall (IR), Valdez, Boo Boo, Sac, Little Piggy, Wiggles, Honey Badger (WB) Manscape (WD), Mr. Hand, Balco, Greenspan (QIC)

Ideal weather conditions greeted eleven pax for this week’s installment of Redline. 

Warmarama (IC):

  • Two laps around the track, one with high knees and butt kickers on the straights.

The Thang:

We moseyed from the track to the corner of Northwest (NW) Boulevard and Reynolda.  The pax were instructed that we would run in various directions for various lengths of time.  Lassie for the six or monkey hump at the home intersection.  It went like this:

  • Run hard from Reynolda towards Hawthorne along NW for 30 seconds; mosey back to the intersection.
  • Run hard from NW towards Robinhood along Reynolda for 30 seconds; mosey back to the intersection.
  • Run hard from Reynolda towards Broad along NW for 30 seconds; mosey back to the intersection.
  • Run hard from NW along Reynolda, towards West End, and up Pilot View for 30 seconds; mosey back to the intersection.

Repeato at 60, 90, and 120 seconds.

Huddle at the bottom of Pilot View following the 90 second interval and mosey home together.


Total mileage: ~4.5 miles



  • Manscape is still looking for a new Redline site Q to emerge.  Redline has a great AO and format.
  • NC State and North Carolina will be engaged in basketball competition tonight.  YHC made a mocking joke regarding NC State still fielding a team.  Cobains, as I failed to recognize that the Wolfpups are only a few spots in the AP poll behind the Tar Heels.  Balco suggested that YHC was thinking of Wake Forest.

Prayer Requests:

  • Burlap’s family as his father died on Sunday;
  • Keith Vest, BooBoo’s brother in law, undergoing chemo;

YHC took us out with prayers offered up for the Lord to make level paths for our feet as we go throughout our daily responsibilities, to take us beyond the first two Fs to the third F, and to be on the lookout for those who are lonely.  Also prayers for TR’s injury.


Great morning to be with these men.  We didn’t get to the 120 second interval, but really pushed ourselves through the 90 seconds.  We stayed together for the most part, and YHC never saw anyone need to take the monkey humping option.

Good workout plan that enabled the pax to push themselves as much as they desired without getting separated; terrible selection of intersection.  Reynolda and NW is apparently the epicenter of the Business 40 detour, and we spent the morning practicing safety by staying on the sidewalks (except for the time when YHC prematurely instructed the pax to cross to a non-sidewalked side of NW.

It took YHC a while to realize the consistent pattern of heavy traffic the home intersection presented.  Balco was there from the first round.  He moved away from the intersection at his normal rapid clip throughout.

TR went down with a tight back during the 60 second interval between Reynolda and Hawthorne.  Hoping for a quick recovery. 

Manscape was in normal form, a man of consistency.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Likewise with Mr. Hand, Plunger, and Boo Boo.  If you didn’t know, Mr. Hand leads a spin class at the Y at 5:30(?) am.  YHC forgets the day.

Sac was up front pulling the group.  #Fasthole.  Sac and YHC both expressed relief when time expired on the 90 second round up Pilot View.

Good to meet Wiggles for the first time and to see Honey Badger again.  Honey Badger supplanted Sac and Little Piggy from War Baby status.  Hope to see you guys around more.

Little Piggy has some wheels.  Planning some RIROs with him in the near future to Hanes Park.

YHC always enjoys running with Valdez.  Good chat with him during the warm up about the shellacking Clemson put on ‘Bama last night. 

It was an honor, gentlemen.  Manscape, TR took the keys home with him.