Unexpected, Magnificent and Impossible

01/12/2019. Impossible Situation

Pax: 5DollarFootLong, Mutton, CherryPie, LambChop (WB), FNG Rosemary (WD), Goofy (Q)

0600 YHC woke up feeling rested, checked Twitter for workout updates and ran across @Hoptoberfest’s Twitter call for a substitute Q for IS.  Thought about passing once, then twice, then took the plunge. (Take care of #TheGuyNextToYou). Hoping all is well with he and his family.  Plus, the SiteQ is on a tropical island in the Pacific with his M…..

Got up, dressed, cut the top off of an Amazon box and wrote out the Magnificent7 workout on it.  Found my Spotify cowboy playlist from my last #M7 beatdown. Impossible Situation now had a Q, a workout, and tunes.  It was 0630

0647 arrived at the beloved Mothership workout. Hid the cardboard and speaker behind a bush at the track so as not to scare the pax away when they arrived.  Ran back to greet the Pax, who were surprised to see @Goofy Q and no frisbee and no home made brew.  Early arrivals included @LambChop and his FNG father-in-law, Phil.  No sign of @Lysol who at #LunchBunch had encouraged me to post to #IS with him.  Oh, well…

0700 run to the Track.  Showed our FNG where the hospital was, but from the looks of him, it was clear that he was fit and a trip to the ER was not in his immediate future.  Given it was @LambChop’s F-I-L, we had him sign the official waiver anyway.

0702. Typical warm-o-Rama, complete with advice to our FNG to not do SSH the way that the Q was getting ready to do them.  (Wise counsel)

0707 Pulled out the hidden cardboard.  @CherryPie immediately started complaining.  @5$FL said, “hey do you keep that back here all the time”.  @CP replied, “No, he has a lot of cardboard with him at all times.”  

After a brief explanation, we were off.  M7 is simple.  Do the below exercises (OYO), then run around the track.  Repeat 7 times.  Usually the run is the 7th exercise, but since we had a full hour, YHC decided to the pax would like the additional ab work.

7 pull-ups

14 burpees

21 merkins

28  LBC

35 Squats

42 Air claps

49 low flutter

Run around the track

The Pax kept @CP in our sights for the first few rounds, then we lost him, and then around 6, he lapped us. This strong group of men finished 7 loops.  Everyone did one more run together.  

0754 @Mutton having done the math in his head, realized that with 2 more burpees, we would have completed 100. So we did 2 more burpees. Everyone felt more aligned with the universe having reached that even number.

0755Time for some Mary called by @Goofy, @5$FL, @CP, and @Mutton

0800 COT Time to name our FNG.  Phil grew up in upstate NY, lives in Carpex, tech wiz and super fit.  This is either all true or @LC did a fine job sucking up to his FIL.  Based on the way he went through the workout, I am betting its all true.

After some debate, it was decided that we must keep the family nickname theme that threads through this tribe.  Names include @Mutton, @LambChop, @SheepDip…you get it.   Glaze was a strong suggestion, but we have a Glazer.  @CP said @Rosemary, it got some laughs and stuck.  Welcome!   Our FNG was reminded that there are some great F3 workouts in the @Carpex area and that we had heard they were nice guys too.  

0807 went through Announcement/Prayer Concerns.  Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones, including @Burlap who lost his father last week. @LambChop’s wife has a “small procedure” next week and prayers that it goes well.  

0812 Donzo.  

In conclusion, great AO, great group of guys.  Everyone just got after it with no complaints, except @CP and I think he complains just to make us feel better as he smiles and laps us all.  

@Hoptoberfest, let us know if you need anything else. 

1 Comment

  • Burlap
    January 12, 2019 11:29 pm

    Strong as usual, Goofy.

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