Let The Hate Flow Through You

QIC: SGT Schultz

Date: March 6, 2019

PAX: Bluto, Schneider, The Singing Cowboy, SGT Schultz, Zuckerberg

5 PAX posted at Bells & Whistles on a cold, windy morning for some fun and pain.    The PAX in attendance came from two different tribes: UNC fans and Wake fans.   While never the twain shall normally meet, all were united in their hatred of Duke.  (The enemy of my enemy is my friend!)  Our unified hatred of this very embodiment of evil kept us warm on a chilly morning.

WARMARAMA:   We were running a little behind schedule due to a late opening of the gates to Reagan High School, so YHC moved quickly through the Warmarama.  (There was sufficient time for Bluto to bum a jacket from Zuckerberg, who came in a little hot, as he does on occasion.  I overheard Bluto explain that he had thought that 3 T-shirts would be enough for the weather, but that he was painfully mistaken.   It was pretty damn cold, and a cutting wind didn’t help.)  Warmarama included an assortment of SSHs, ISTs, Arm Swirly Things, Whirlys, and some standing hamstring stretches.

THE THANG:  The beatdown this morning consisted of a modified DORA conducted in the Reagan HS parking lot.   The PAX paired off into two teams, one composed of Schneider, Zuckerberg & The Singing Cowboy and the other consisting of Bluto and YHC.   The workout went like this:  Partner # 1 (or 1A and 1B, as the case may be)  performs the listed exercise utilizing a kettlebell while Partner # 2 runs 100 yards across the parking lot.  Once there, Partner # 2 rolls a die and performs 5 burpees plus the number rolled (so anywhere between 6 and 11 burpees).  Partner # 2 then runs back to Partner #1.

Once Partner # 2 returned to Partner # 1, both teammates shout emphatically “DUKE SUCKS!”   

Partner # 1 then runs to the other end, rolls the die, does burpees, etc. while Partner # 2 does the listed exercise, and the process continues.   Each team performs the listed exercise until they cumulatively reach 100 repetitions, then moves on to the next exercise.

The listed exercises (all performed with kettlebells) were:

  • Overhead Press x 100
  • Skull Crushers x 100
  • Goblet Squats x 100
  • Upright Rows x 100
  • Clean & Press x 100 (alternating arms every 10 reps [at least that’s what I did])
  • Curls x 100
  • Steph Curries x 100
  • Kettlebell Swings x 100
  • Alternating Lunges x 100

I have no idea regarding approximately how many burpees each of us did.  I’d say at least a minimum of 75.

At the conclusion of the Alternating Lunges, we consolidated and got a 10 count.   We then assumed the Front Leaning Rest position (otherwise known as a High Plank), which we held while we listened to The Gap Band’s “You Dropped the Bomb on Me.”  Each time the word “bomb” is heard, everyone performs a Merkin.  That’s quite a lot of Merkins at the end of a workout.

MARY:   Performed democratically, with each of the 5 PAX calling out an ab exercise.   YHC had the final exercise, and chose fun with the alphabet.  Rather than going through the alphabet, YHC spelled out a sentence, one letter at a time.   YHC will leave some letters out so as to not give it away to those who weren’t there, but the sentence was:   C_ACH   _    I_   TH_   SP_WN   _F  S_T_N.

COT:  It was really cold, so we didn’t stick around long for the COT.  The Singing Cowboy took us out with an uplifting prayer for grace and guidance.

Thanks for the keys, Cowboy!!