April Fool’s Day at The Estate


Date: 04/01/2019

PAX: Little Piggy, Drip, Cheesesteak, Dr. Suess (WB), Bluto, Huckleberry, Offsides (WD), Blue Steel, JarJar, Snooki, Chisel, BALCO (QIC)

A bunch of fools woke up early to realize that it was winter again.  At least it wasn’t raining.  After some grumbling about the weather we decided to get going to warm up.  It went a little like this…
Whirly with the Clap
Warm-up mosey to lower lot
The following all done in cadence x 15 (unless otherwise specified)
American hammers
Peter Parkers
Imperial squat walkers
Freddie Mercuries
One arm push – 5 each arm
One-legged burpee – 5 each leg
Low Dolly
Smurf Jacks
Mosey to lakeside hill for Elevens starting with 10 WWI at the top and 1 HRurpee (Hand-release burpee) and progress as per usual
Mosey to courtyard
Partner up.  Partner 1 does exercise A x 10 reps while P2 does exercise B.  Then flapjack.  Ladder down 8/6/4.  Then mosey down hill to stop sign. then move to second pair of exercises.
1. Donkey kicks/Plank
2. Jump squats/Al Gore
3. Dips/People’s chair w Jack Reachers
4. Derkins/Step ups
Mosey back to lot
Mountain climbers x 31 IC
Announcements – none
YHC took us our praying for those in the cold now that many shelters have closed and for those out there suffering silently.
1. It has been a long time since i had been to the lakeside hill.  It is much higher and longer than I remembered.  Especially with all the HRurpees.  PAX surely didn’t seem to mind
2. I think Huckleberry was the only one that realized I was attempting to spell something with the first section.
3. Imperial squat walkers are very hard to do IC (YHC looked like @Zima out there)
4. As usual there was very little MC at the Estate.  The young folk the are very polite and have a tremendous respect for their elders.  The site Q could consider hiring Mongoose, Cobra, BAM, and some of the other old guys to come sometime to show them how it is done.