It’s all marketing at #Redline


Date: 06/25/19

PAX: Toto, Lysol, Manscape (WD), Sac (WB), Hit Man, Paper Cut (F3 Puget Sound), Winklevoss, BALCO, Lemming, Valdez, Peace Maker, BAM

The Q was excited to try this thing called F3 that he had heard so much about.  Heard it was a great way to get in shape and meet some good dudes.  And YHC just learned about a cool team race that this group might be interested in called the Blue Ridge Relay.  Since this race is covers lots of hills, doing some hill training seemed a smart idea!

Translation: The Q’s training the past couple months consisted of fartsacking, work travel, and eating and drinking too much.  Since it’s always ironic that a non/bad runner like YHC Q’s Redline, it seemed particularly odd.

So, what kind of workout can you create when you know you can’t keep up with anybody else? (YHC tried to recruit Bluto fresh off his hip resurfacing to feel faster, but he was too busy walking 12 miles 72 hours after major surgery)  Timed events!

As pax gathered in the parking lot Valdez arrived with a funny talking fella, nicknamed Paper Cut.  Turns out he’s from F3 in the Seattle area.  YHC had never heard of Seattle, North Carolina, but just went with it.  He said his people almost named him Slash, but realized that sounded too cool, so went with Paper Cut (YHC likes them already)

Once the chuckles subsided that YHC was actually the Q we got started!


  • A little out and back around the park, choose your own warm up pace
    • Q immediately heard cries of #timewaster from the always primed to push the physical envelope Toto
    • Q assured the pax he learned about this idea of a real warm up on the interwebs, so it had to be legit
  • After 11 min mosey, Q covered about .5 mile and Sac and Winklevoss got in about 5.75
  • Pax did some stuff to prep for the sprinting that lay ahead
    • High knees
    • Lunges
    • Zuckerburgs/big skips

The Thang

  • Hill repeats up Glade!
    • :45 seconds hard as you can (or for Toto, hard as you feel like, we just appreciate you coming out for the fellowship)
    • 3 minute recovery back down the hill to do it again!
    • After 3 rounds, we switched to :30 seconds of lung busting with same recovery time
  • After final sprint up, pax moseyed around whatever that street is named back to the parking lot

NMM (in no particular order or level of truthfulness)

  • Sac was clearly bored with this pedestrian beatdown based on the giant yawn he let out during name-o-rama.  Q will try harder next time. #kobains
  •  Q tried to be official by giving a ready, set, go to kick off the sprint portion.  BALCO didn’t want to play those reindeer games and just took off on the call of ready.  #gogetter
  • There was appreciation that all the cars on Glade came out to cheer the pax on.  They didn’t slow down as much as safety monitor Toto would like, but what can you do.
  •  Peacemaker never stopped running and didn’t break a sweat all morning.  It’s bad enough he’s the nicest guy ever, but to be like 75 and still that fit and fast just isn’t fair
  •  Toto’s “suggestion” about how we could make the workout better by running around above the Y, rather than come back down Glade and running on Sunset, was received well by Lysol.  He always appreciates the marketing genius that is Toto.
  •  Lemming thought the Q needed to work on his core, so was encouraging for some Mary, but YHC assured him the “dad bod” look continued to be all the rage.
  • Paper Cut offered up all kinds of workout & race options to Lemming, YHC heard his moving there soon, or just going on a trip, can’t ever get that straight.
  • Q tried to channel The Professional by encouraging the pax to “Leave it on the mountain” for the last sprint.  YHC thinks it sounded better when The Pro did it.

Prayer Requests

  • Lysol’s daughter on a big Western US camping trip/tour!  Sounds amazing, but prayers for safety
  • Hitman’s grandmother passed away yesterday.  He said she lived a full and great life.


  • Sign ups for BRR will be at Shmedfest

1 Comment

  • Sean Kinder
    June 25, 2019 8:28 pm

    T-claps to BAM! for yet another amazing BB…can’t say much about this am’s version of #Redline but his writing skills boarder on pure poetry; not ordinary prose. Welcome Paper Cut! Helluva long way to post for a BAM! led beatdown!

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