Hanging with Bluto at WIB

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 08/01/19

PAX: The Singing Cowboy, Bluto, Cousin Roy, Dr. Toot Canal, Closer, Hazer, Zima, Palin, H.O.G., $5 Footlong, Burns, Huckleberry, Touch Me Not, Zuckerberg, Turnover, Greenspan, Spamalot

17 of the finest men in the Dash spent time together this morning at WIB.  What was the great and noble cause?  To spend time with Bluto, of course.  Everyone got after it this morning, and there was a constant stream of interaction with the Pax.


Most Pax got through 4 cycles of the exercies, some may have completed all 5.


True confession – YHC had not intended to stack the exercises, but glad the Pax decided to do so.  Made it much worse.  In fact, Zima complimented YHC for the leg portion.  YOU ARE WELCOME.


PB modified below to reflect what was accomplished.




Strong work by everyone this morning.

Hope all Pax had an opportunity to be with Bluto.  FYI, he is looking strong!!  Fast walker.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Shmedfest – August 24 – F3/FiA/2.0 convergence beatdown in the morning.  Details coming soon.


Prayers for Cobra as he nurses a sore back.


YHC took us out.


Thank you all for posting this morning.  You made my day!







(Click on above link to view map)


As most Pax will tell you, it is the 2nd F that keeps us coming back time after time.  Yes, the exercise is great, and everyone likes being in better shape.  But the relationships that are forged over time, in the early morning hours of the gloom….that is where the magic of F3 resides.


Our beloved Bluto has been on the IR, as he recovers from hip surgery.  While he is well on his way to a full and complete recovery, he has not been able to post with the Pax in the mornings.


As YHC pondered what/where to plan for WIB on August 1, a brilliant (if YHC may say so myself) idea arose.  Why not launch WIB from Bluto’s house?


After completing the necessary paperwork (in triplicate) and having it notarized, YHC waited.  Fortunately, fate was on our side as YHC’s request was granted!


So, here is the plan:


Park at Vienna Elementary School parking lot (labeled I on the map)

Walk/mosey across Yadkinville Road onto Wellspring Drive.

Walk around the gate, continuing on Wellspring Drive to the traffic circle (labeled II on the map).  This will be our launch point at 5:30 am.

Here are the exercises we did:


II – Legs/lower body (squats, alt. lunges, squat jumps, sumo squats, calf raises) 20 reps, single count

III – (Bluto’s mailbox) – Fun with weights (blocks, stones, KB, etc.) (curls, OHP, skull crushers, bent over rows, chest press)  20 reps, single count

IV – (Other end of Bluto’s driveway) – 5 burpees, then Bear crawl up the driveway

V – Abs, Abs, Abs (LBCs, low flutter, WWII situps, low dolly, box cutters) 20 reps, single count


Following completion of V, mosey back to II and repeat the cycle.






  • 5$ Footlong
    July 29, 2019 10:37 am

    Gotta make sure to wear all black, so we definitely won’t have the law called on us! Specially with this gate business…Looking forward to it.

  • Kevin Stein
    August 1, 2019 10:17 pm

    So glad to have everyone in the hood this morning. Thx so much for putting this together, Spam. And thx to Singing Cowboy for the assistance. I was reminded of this great thing called F3 and what I’ve been missing. Can’t wait to get back out there full strength!

  • Hazer
    August 1, 2019 11:03 pm

    Great job Spammy. So awesome to see former Nantan Bluto along with newly crowned Nantan Soamalot. Great to be back in the old neighborhood as well. Solid workout and more interaction than I can ever remember at a WIB. Well done and look forward to getting Bluto back!

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