Squatters Rights!
QIC: Van Gogh
Date: 07/01/2019
PAX: Palin, Greenspan, H.O.G., Turnover, Root Canal, Rustbucket, Burns (WB), Manscape (WD), Van Gogh (QIC)
YHC found himself on deck #TheOuthouse after a Sauratown 10K yesterday, and boy did much of what was planned turn out to be more difficult than originally intended. The theme wasn’t related to much other than taking advantage of what the AO has to offer and bringing the pain. #Tclaps to @HOG, @Greenspan, and @Burns who ran an EC 1.25 miles before the fun began!
- SSH x 25 IC
- Whirlies x 10 IC
- IST x 15 IC
- Copperhead Squats x 15 IC
The Thang
- Table Traverse Round 1 – Perform the following exercise down the full length of aligned picnic tables:
- Squatters Left
- Upper Decline Plank Walk back (feet on table, arms extended)
- Bear Crawl down center
- Squatters Right
- Lower Decline Plank Walk back (feet on table, arms bent)
- Left Leg up
- Alternating Incline Plank Walk (hand on table / bench)
- Bear Crawl down center
- Right Leg Up
- Lower Incline Plank Walk (hand on table / bench)
- Mosey around upper track to tennis courts
- Bear Crawl from Tennis Court entrance to far corner wall
- DORA Wall Work
- Mike Tysons x 100 OYO
- Extended Toe Touch x 200 OYO
- Wall Sit w/Jack Reachers x 300 OYO
- Partner A/B run around tennis courts
- Flip Flop / Repeato
- Bear Crawl to Tennis Court exit
- Table Traverse Round 2 – Perform the following exercise down the full length of aligned picnic tables:
- Squatters Left
- Upper Decline Plank Walk back (feet on table, arms extended)
- Bear Crawl down center
- Squatters Right
- Lower Decline Plank Walk back (feet on table, arms bent)
- Left Leg up
- Alternating Incline Plank Walk (hand on table / bench)
- Bear Crawl down center
- Right Leg Up
- Lower Incline Plank Walk (hand on table, hold chest low)
- LBCs x 10 IC
- American Hammer x 15 IC
- Low Dolly x 15 IC
- Mutton Crunch L/R x 15 IC
- Convergence this July 4th with FIA! Burns/Turnover/YHC on deck to Q, plus a FIA Q!
- Launch at 0700 from Jamison Park (next door to #Mayhem).
- YHC took us out lifting up those who need prayer and asking for guidance and the ability to shine a light upon our surroundings.
- Those present at #Flatline last week quickly pointed out how kind it was for YHC to post on time… early even! I think they were being sarcastic…. We all then reminisced about how fun that one was. #GlagItWasOnly35Minutes
- The PAX covered 1.4 miles this AM, and were thoroughly sweat soaked upon conclusion of our workout.
- Some Omaha-ing took place with the subbing in of Wall-sit / Jack Reachers rather than Rebound drills… YHC also forgot the order of operations during our second round at the shelter picnic tables; but overall, things mostly went as planned!
- Those Squatters were fun… originally described as “dragging your ass along the length of the benches”, the PAX quickly grew to dislike them; but perhaps not as much as YHC, the burn was intense after the Sauratown #Nomad run yesterday.
- @Turnover was breathing down my neck during the Plank Walking first time through, YHC, felt the pressure to keep moving. Or was he only moving so fast to keep up with YHC? Great example of #ISI either way!
- @RootCanal was showing his strength during DORA, as I piggy-backed he and @Palin’s team up. YHC even modified Warm-o-rama and CoT to hear that shout of “ELEVEN”
- @Burns kept trying to use his face on the Decline Plank walk first time through. Glad to see him out this morning, despite not EHing him at first. I made sure to include plenty of Bear Crawling just for him!
- Speaking of which, the PAX were not happy to Bear Crawl after Dora, with YHC declaring “the middle is lava” as @Palin threatened to take the most direct route back.
- Great to see @Rustbucket out in the gloom, he’s looking as Cybernetic as ever! YHC tried to keep up with @RB on the Mike Tysons but failed. #RespectRespect
- Our #WarDaddy, @Manscape, moved through today’s beatdown with the speed of a #Hate. Well done today, sir! #RespectRespect
- The resident site-Q, @GreenSpan, must have reorganized the picnic tables recently, because they used to be in a U shape. But the dual parallel lines make for an even more challenging setup. After CoT, we then brainstormed how to reconfigure them further to add the ability to do pull-ups; I think the City of Winston-Salem would approve of our pyramid-like proposal.
- @HOG is up to Q #TheOuthouse next week in what was *supposed* to be his VQ, but due to his awesomeness, he’s already substi-Qed twice now! #TClaps Glad he has come to join the ranks of F3 and is sticking with us!
- Had a great time this morning being amongst these guys, we all got to enjoy a beautifully colored sunrise during DORA, that really cemented this thing called F3 as the best way to start the week!
Thanks again for the keys @Greenspan, I took them to Home Depot and made a copy, so you can’t keep me away for that long.
Van Gogh
YHC is feeling very specific soreness in his hips from the squatters. Tough exercise that might just have to get used again some day. Those decline plank walks don’t agree with my torn rotator cuff, or my face for that matter! Well done VG
Van Gogh
Duuuude, aren’t you too young for a torn rotator cuff? Modify as necessary without using your face, you’ll receive no judgement from me! Good work this morning Burns!
Whew. I thought I wore my self out at RNG but glad I missed this smoke fest.
Serious question: Where is the July 4 convergence?
I heard Leinbach, then saw Jamison (Meadowlark) on Twitter, then saw Leinbach again here. Help!!
Van Gogh
Convergence is at Jamison, YHC has fixed the typo! More details (with map) to come later.
So glad we did 100 yards of bear crawling—really made my week. Great beatdown, VG. You didn’t disappoint.
Question: do your responses to our posts count towards your pullups pledge?
Jeff Leal
Great sunrise to share with my mentor. Hate that inverted plank walk. Will definitely copy that one later.
David Neininger
Great creativity, VG! Loved the use of picnic tables.
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