A Burpee Heavy Workout at Urban Assault

QIC: Drip

Date: 8/2/19

PAX: Rust Bucket, Blue Steel, Snookie, Post Hole, Turnover, Cheesesteak, Tar Heel, Screech, Tonka, Focker, Chisel, Lite Brigade, Lamb Chop, Drip

Warm up/Stretch.  5 Burpees

Mosey to corner of park  5 Burpees

Mosey to half way up hill 5 Buprees

Mosey to Stage 5 Burpees

Mosey to upper lot

  • Rockettes in cadence x10 X Factor with Hover in cadence x10 Repeat once

Mosey to Alma Mexicana 5 Burpees

Mosey to Incendiary stairs 5 Burpees

Mosey to Tracks

  • 2 Burpees 5 pull ups x 5

Mosey to Coal Pit

  • Run to 10 columns. At each column 1 spider burpee 4 count.  Repeat this 3 more times with WMD Burpee, Mt Climber Burpee, Plank Jack Burpee…4 count each time

Mosey to Long Branch Trail sign  5 Burpees

  • Partner up. A: Absolutions B: run to bike racks/bench 20 dips (Repeat once)

Mosey over bridges to train tracks  5 Burpees before crossing bridge

  • Tempo Merkins on tracks in cadence

Mosey down stairs and to fountain for 5 Burpees and a quick Mary

Pretty quiet Pax today, but I guess that is what you get when you start out with Burpees.  (Or maybe they were just tough and didn’t feel the need to voice any complaints.)  Kotters to Screech, Tonka and Lite Brigade.  Good to see these guys back out at UA.  Congrats to Screech on the new addition!  Cheesesteak had mentioned the other day that he thought the fitness level at the Dash Boot camps had really been taken to a higher level.  I would have to agree with him on this.  These men powered through everything I threw at them and asked for more.

Prayer Requests:  Blue Steel’s wife and her visa processing today, finding the owner of the wallet Rust Bucket found this morning