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Date: 08/20/2019

PAX: Hitman, Valdez, The Vig, Manscape, Peacemaker, Greenspan


Over the past few weeks we have been running laps and up and down hills.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  That is what redline is.  However, I wanted to do something a little different.  So this is what we did

Warm up run around HP and gather at base of Intimidator followed by some high knees and Zuckerbergs.

The Thang

  1. Run up Clover BACKWARDS to Carolina then switch to regular up to Glade
  2. Mosey back down to track
  3. Run 100 M BACKWARDS then 300M Regular
  4. Mosey to Brookstown and run BACKWARDS to Carolina then switch to regular up to 4 1/2 St then continue to Summit
  5. Mosey back to track
  6. Run 200 M BACKWARDS then 600M regular
  7. Repeat until 615

Announcements -Shmedfest


  1. YHC is not looking forward to waking up tomorrow and Thursday
  2. Running 200M backwards is not fun
  3. The Vig was quite the (insert favorite derogatory term) this AM.  He seemed to throw every fallen limp into the feet of the following PAX.  Then, was incredibly supportive of the other groups running on the track today.  He pissed off at least one female as he passed her running BACKWARDS on the track.  Then turned frontwards and kept going.  What a jerk!!!

1 Comment

  • Closer
    August 20, 2019 5:39 pm

    !krow eciN

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