The only thing worse than Mondays is having to write a backblast for a Monday workout

QIC: Whirly

Date: 08/12/19

PAX: Gucci, Schneider, SPAM, Sgt. Schultz, Drama Queen, Sassy, Whirly

7 pax gathered to do a recycled Flatline workout that I did a couple of weeks ago, with one exception: between rounds, instead of running 1 minute out, then back, we ran from the picnic shelter to the far end of the track until the first guy (Schultzee) reached the far end of the track, then turned around. But, before that, we warmed up:

SSH x 20 IC
Gucci with the clap x 20 IC
Abe Vigoda x 10 IC

Upper body Lower body Core
Round 1 Dirkins Box jumps Freddie Mercuries
Round 2 Dips Lunge left Low Flutter
Round 3 Merkins Lunge right Mutton crunch left
Round 4 Irkins Left leg step-ups Mutton crunch right
Round 5 Carolina Dry Docks Right leg step-ups Gas pumps
Round 6 Nolan Ryan left Copperhead Squats Low Dolly
Round 7 Nolan Ryan right Apolo Ohno LBC
Round 8 Alternating shoulder taps Tuck jump Box cutter
Round 9 Balls to the wall Donkey kicks Penguin crunch
Round 10 Elbow Plank Jump squats Rosalita
Round 11 Jack Reachers Al Gore American hammer
Round 12 Seal Claps Calf raises 6”

SPAM is a music bigot. An intervention will be staged soon, and diversity training shall be compelled.

This morning Sgt. Schultz had to wear the Yakabulbul identifier (not because he was Yakabulbul, but he “stood out” from the crowd…translation: he was the fastest sprinter this morning). For an explanation, see Guy Shoham, Nir Sheffi, Alan Timyanker or Gilad Jilankawicz (not “technically” F3 guys, but they can explain this to you better than I can).

We didn’t “technically” get through all 12 rounds, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

Shmedfest is August 24th. Order tickets so Plunger can have an accurate headcount for food. There will be a F3/FIA convergence at the fairgrounds that morning at 8:00. You can be there AND be square, just be there.

SPAM is Q’ing Hells Bells yesterday.

I dropped the F-bomb right before the COT, which is why…

DQ took us out.