Answering the Bell at Charlie Foxtrot

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 09/14/19

PAX: Drama Queen (WD), Quiver, Fender (WB), Spamalot

This has been quite a week for YHC.  Between running with 80 lbs at VI (thanks Huckleberry!), the Climb to Remember on 9/11, and yesterday’s insane Iron Pax Challenge….YHC was spent.  The mere thought of Qing an hour long workout was…frankly, not what I wanted to do last night.  But inspired by some Maker’s Mark 46, YHC drew up a plan.

In the nearly 50 years YHC has been on this planet, I have learned a few things.  Nothing unique or great insights.  Most have been noted by others far smarter or with more insight.  But perhaps the single most important lesson I have learned is this:  it does not matter how many times you get knocked down.  What matters is how many times you get up.

We all get knocked down, or fail.  That is what life is all about.  How you react after failure is what defines you.  Will you sit and feel sorry for yourself?  Or will you reflect on what happened and learned from your mistakes?

So, with that in mind…YHC drew up the following for the Pax this morning at Charlie Foxtrot.



SSH, IST, Arm-swirly things, copperhead squats, Whirlys, Hillbillies



Mosey to Morgan Elementary.

DB drills for distance of two rows of parking spaces

Then return wit Apollo Creed DB drills to start


Mosey to front of school.  Find two medium (hand held) size rocks for:

Curls x 20 IC

OHP x 20 IC

Dead cockroach x 20 IC

Chest Fly x 20 IC

Skull crushers x 20 IC

Side raises x 20 IC


Return rocks.  Mosey to traffic circle for a Iron Pax inspired workout. All single count:

Merkins x 5

Jack reachers x 10

seal claps x 15

squats x 20

carolina dry docs x 25


Run perimeter of traffic circle.

Repeato x 3, thus completing 4 sets of exercises and 4 laps.


Mosey to bottom of hill at Village Point Lake Drive for HILL REPEATS.

Run up hill to Harper.  Mosey back down to start.

Repeato x 3.  Thus completing 4 cycles.


Mosey back to parking lot at school for mini-DORA.

50 merkins

100 LBCs

150 Squats

Other partner runs to other end of smaller parking lot.


(During Dora, SourMash appears, having completed IronPax!)

Mosey back to parking lot for MARY:


LBCS, low flutters, Penguin Crunches, low dolly, dying cockroach, mutton crunches, heels to heaven, body destroyers

All IC, all x 12




DQ was early, and we were not sure if anyone else would make it.  Glad Fender and Quiver made it!

Quiver always looking for extra mileage.  We completed 2.23 miles, and after COT, he went looking for another mile. Strong work!

Fender claims to only have one speed when he runs.  It is called fast – even in the Chuck Taylors.

Tclaps to DQ for making it.  He and YHC survived IronPax yesterday.  Wow.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Shmedfest 2020 is coming next August

Get ready – IronPax week 3 will be released tomorrow.  Yippee!

9/26 – Arts for Life Breakfast at Forsyth Country Club.  See Fender for details.

Continued prayers for Road Apple and his son.  Glad everyone is home.


YHC took us out.


Appreciate the push and fellowship this morning.


Have a great Saturday!


