Running late

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 9.9.19

PAX: Fender, Gucci, Spam, Sassy, TMN, Mud Foot, Schultz, Schneider

During the first weekend of football, I was charged with creating a workout for the strong VI crowd.  This is not my normal Monday posting spot but I see the “selfie” photo every week and knew I had to come up with something special for this crowd.  So it went like this……..

531 YHC comes flying into the parking lot and hop out to immediately start some warm-o-rama.  critiqued by our Spamtan for being late, I ensured him that I was busy setting up the course for the day.

SSH, abe v, arm swirly, Imperial walker

Thang…… mosey to parking spaces for DB drills.  about every 5 spaces there is a median so we did regular DB drills followed by bear crawl DB drills all the way across the parking lot.  the chatter stopped.

mosey to the front field and partner up.  the field is set up in a figure 8.  we will perform exercises at the top, middle, bottom, middle, and back to the top. as a team, complete –

TOP – 12 pull ups, 24 merkins

Middle – 24 squats, 24 ski abs

Bottom – 24 partner American hammers, 24 WWII with partner plank holding feet (all performed with bricks)

The twist……………………while moseying between stations, one PAX must farmer carry two 40lbs dumbbells.  If the pax needed to put them down for any reason, their partner must sprint back and pick them up and complete the carry.  all pax would have to do 5 burpees for every unsuccessful carry.

We completed 3 full laps.

to the wall.  wall sit and pass the 7 bricks and 2 dumbbells down the line.  turn and face the wall for high pulse and then low pulse squats.  return to wall sit and repeat.

Mosey back to start.  Mary:  all IC – Merkins, LBC, Wide Merkins, CC viaducts.  Time—–but since I was late, we did a 30 sec 6 inch low plank for fun.

Prayers – new born that needs open heart surgery, victims of hurricane

announcements – Wednesday we will move Mayhem to Deacon tower for a pre stair climb warm up.  location and details to be posted on Twitter.

YHC took us out thanking HIM for F3 and these amazing pax.

MC – Spam let the Q know that he was late….more than once.  there was also some lawyering about the farmers carry but in the end, everyone carried the dumbbells at least once and NO ONE HAD TO SET THEM DOWN!!  YHC was impressed by this group.  the Q was also laid into at the end for not capturing a selfie – rules broken. not sure if I will be allowed back but  I would be Honored to lead this group again.


Sassy, your keys are with the security guard………



1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    September 9, 2019 6:39 pm

    We mark that as an excused tardy. Strong work by all! Hope to see a strong showing on Wednesday!!!

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