the warm up

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 9/11/13

PAX: lots of them......somewhere between 20-30 strong HIMs.

I was originally scheduled to Q Mayhem today but when the “climb to remember” was posted by our Spamtan I knew this was something that I wanted to complete.  Always honored to lead any of the dash PAX, I still wanted to Q.  So after signing some legal documents with Spamtan and Turnover, we moved Mayhem to the Gold lot of the stadium and decided on a 20 warm up instead of a 45 min beatdown.  Then Razzie and I spoke “at length” about moving Conspiracy as well and details were finally negotiated and agreed upon.  Now I just needed to create a 20 min warm up.  To ensure we stayed on time, I elected to create a simple tabata workout.  Here’s how it went down…..

warm-o-rama – SSH x25 IC

mosey to the light pole.

20 exercises are listed on the cardboard.  Each round is one minute.  no rest between.

the twist……….when the timer goes off at one minute, sprint ~40 yards to the cones, perform 5 burpees, sprint back, then start the exercise until the timer goes off and you have to sprint again.

in exactly 20 min, the PAX completed 100 burpees, ~100 merkins, ~100 ab exercises, and some extra bonus stuff.

655 – time – mosey to the field to climb 3000 stairs.

All pax completed the climb and it is a great event.  Nice push by all!

Everyone dispersed after the climb due to the time and no COT was completed.

MC – lots of it and it started early.  “we normally stop at 20 SSH!” right out of the gate.

“Huck, YOU SUCK” was yelled out by one of our normally uplifting and king pax.  He later found me to let me know that I should not take it personally but he meant it.

When I arrived, Zima’s truck was there but no Zima.  He ran in just prior to starting the workout – had to run to Kernersville to pickup something I think.

Toe Tag was there!  Great to see him out there.  he was wearing a camel pack so I figure he had just completed a 100 run that prior to the workout.

Great to meet The Red Barron this morning – he showed up, killed it, and never complained.

Litterbox broke a sweat!!!  I was honored at first, but then he told me it was the lights from the news cameras that were making him anxious.

HOG and 5$ can fly up some stairs!!

I enjoyed this morning.  I hope everyone was warm and loose for the stair climb.  It was an amazing push by everyone and now I am sore.  Looking forward to getting back out there!

Until next time…….Huckleberry


  • Spamalot
    September 11, 2019 3:40 pm

    Thanks for leading the warm up. 100 burpees….warm up. Yeah right!

    Great push by all during the Climb. Zima wore a weight vest because…Zima!

  • Burlap
    September 11, 2019 6:31 pm

    Ok, I won’t say that Huckleberry sux, but we need to think about changing his F3 name to Hoover.

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