Warm-up Haul is Free of Charge at #BNW

QIC: Burlap

Date: 04 Sept 2019

PAX: The Singing Cowboy, Lemming, Manscape (WD), Wobegon, Bluto, TPS (WB), Burlap (QIC)


Warm-up walk with weights and any other gear the 1/4 mile from tennis courts to main school entrance by circle.  Warm-up mosey around circle with high knees, butt kickers, karaoke facing in, then out, and jog back to start.

The entire workout comprises one person running around circle while the rest do an exercise.  When the person returns, we switch runners and exercises.  We made it through one and one-third rounds (total 28 runs or four per person) of the following:

  1. OH Press
  2. Bent over rows
  3. Goblet squats
  4. Skull crushers
  5. Right arm renegade rows
  6. Lunges with right leg out and weight on right arm
  7. Upright rows
  8. Left arm renegade rows
  9. Lunges with left leg out and weight on left arm
  10. Curls with right arm
  11. Greg Louganis
  12. Curtsy lunges with right behind left and weight on right arm
  13. Curls with left arm
  14. Alternating plank slides
  15. Curtsy lunges with left behind right and weight on left arm
  16. Alternating snatch press
  17. Russian Twists
  18. KB Swings
  19. Lateral lunges with bicep curls to left
  20. Alternating Push press (goblet squat into one-hand press)
  21. Lateral lunges with bicep curls to right

COT was conducted in part on the walk back to our cars and partially in the parking lot.  No major announcements but prayers for Lemming’s sister-in-law, Goofy’s mother-in-law, TPS’ upcoming move to Charlotte (late October?), and those affected by Dorian.  YHC took us out.


  • Not too much mumblechatter or complaining.
  • Tunes were complements of free Spotify and included one ad.  Also included The Who, Al Greene, The Black Crowes, The Gap Band, and Meatloaf.   Maybe another one or two.
  • It turns out the moderately wide age range (37 to 63?) encompassed all pax that were familiar with “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” or at least its story.
  • Great to see Bluto back — only limited modification which is impressive because there were a lot of hip, leg, and core movements.
  • YHC admitted to never having done some of the called KB exercises but saw them on a google search.  Lemming (and possibly other pax) quickly thought I was watching a video but YHC was adamant that I saw static drawings of female diagrams performing the movements.
  • The Singing Cowboy is going fishing in Maine.  He doesn’t know where or even what airport he is flying into.  Other Pax encouraged him to get out his dot matrix printer and print out his paper ticket and read it.
  • Many thanks to the Pax for hauling butt around the circle.  We did 28 exercises/laps in about 38 minutes, so folks were running pretty hard, if for no other reason than to keep the other six pax from spending more than 90 seconds on each exercise.

Thanks for the keys, TSC.  This format of workout always kicks my butt.  Great stuff with a great group of guys.




  • wobegon
    September 4, 2019 9:33 am

    Great workout full of terrible things. Thanks.

    • Burlap
      September 4, 2019 10:12 am

      Music to my ears….

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