2019 Iron PAX Challenge – Wrap-Up


Date: 10/04/2019

PAX: Official: Van Gogh, Fender, Zima, Offsides, H.O.G, Lace, Turnover, Burns, Root Canal, Greenspan, Drip, Huckleberry, D-Day, Schneider, Ziggy Stardust, Data, Spamalot, Sassy, Drama Queen, Litterbox, Tarheel, Bevo, Sour Mash, Plunger, Rust Bucket (WD), 5DollarFootLong, Wobegon, 60 Minutes, Post Hole, Seat Back, La-Z-Boy, Road Apple
Unofficial: Radar, Bookworm (WB), Mudfoot, Little House, etc

Dash Iron PAX,
It’s been nearly a full week since the Iron PAX Challenge came to an end, I think everyone is recovered by now? #TCLAPS to our 32 participating participants, and many others who participated unofficially. We had 19 PAX who were able and crazy enough to complete week’s 1 – 4. This included 6 #Respects: Offsides, Root Canal, Drip, Ziggy Stardust, Data and Drama Queen; and a few #HIM, like Offsides and Lace, who completed at least 1 week’s beatdown after pulling an all nighter workshift! Overall, our region came in 12th for participation, averaging over 70% participation from our entrants! #TCLAPS


With the final numbers in, I went ahead and updated our summary spreadsheet to show week 4’s times and the overall rankings for our region only. Check it out!


And if you haven’t read it by now, check out the Backblast written by Greenwood PAX, Juggernaut, which summarize’s the #IPC really well. In it, he mentions 4 categories of entrants he noticed: Endorphin Junkies, Roid Ragers, Happy Clowns, and Mr. Pleasants… I’m pretty sure I hit all four at one point during the competition…


Lastly, big #TCLAPS again to Spam for spreading the word to us all so we could endure such pain.



Moving forward, I’m just curious to know two things. 1) Highlight from #IPC. 2) Why you put yourself through something like this? For fun? Competition? To grow? Whatever the reason was, hopefully there is a takeaway from it all. Whether it’s changing your Q’s, setting different expectations when you post, adding more flair to BackBlasts… share both below in the comments! (Perhaps one takeaway could be posting to the next #BirthdayMurphday, since those are nothing compared to these #IPC beatdowns; but the attitude and camaraderie are very similar!)

Looking forward to 2020!



  • John Griffin
    October 4, 2019 9:18 am

    Disappointed that I missed out on the fun, hoping to see you fellas out in the gloom again very soon…once 2.1 starts sleeping at all. +10 HRMerkins for VG!

  • Burns
    October 4, 2019 10:45 am

    Once I get back on the Q wagon I’m going to feel comfortable pushing the fitness envelope a little bit more…we ran the Grim Reaper on Monday and that was a fun challenge – I like the idea of maybe even adding in a once a month nomad CSAUP workout for time or for AMRAP just to have a little bit more “fun” and variety. Great job organizing and supporting the PAX, VG!

  • Sour Mash
    October 4, 2019 11:54 am

    YHC is very much a #HappyClown! I don’t take myself or much of anything too seriously. It is a gift and a burden. I signed up for fun and to push myself a little, but mostly for the camaraderie. I appreciate all the different egos F3 brings out and feel we can all learn something from one another. As they say, #ISI and F3 & #IPC are/were proof of that, in my opinion!

    “What’s in a life without Camaraderie? For setting sail on a ship with a band of merry brothers by your side is much more gratifying than drifting aimlessly on a boat lost alone at sea.”

    – Saim A. Cheeda

  • Drip
    October 4, 2019 12:42 pm

    First of all, thanks to Spam and Van Gogh for all the organizing and push to get so many of the Dash Pax involved. YHC had decided early on not to participate but was put in a hard EH and ended up joining. IPC pushed me out of my comfort zone. YHC echos Mash in that the best part of the whole thing was our camaraderie. We all posted and got the job done together, encouraging and picking up the six along way. Glad to be part of this team. (BTW, VG…that is 40)

  • Jeff Leal
    October 4, 2019 10:17 pm

    Favorite moment was Spam busting hump on a bear crawl and finishing sub-30 minutes on week 2. He pushed further than ever.
    Also appreciated the push from Drip, 5 Dollar, and Van Gogh pushing me at Hanes Park. Did I mention Huckleberry going through the whole challenge with a chippy shoulder and kept on rocking. I signed up for the challenge because I am a small part of the “we” of F3 and I want to represent all you guys well. You are a big part of my life

  • Spamalot
    October 5, 2019 9:37 am

    Where to begin? Thank you. Thanks to all the Pax who participated. Whether it was one time or the entire month. We could not have done it without you. Thanks to VG, Zima, Turnover, Schneider, and everyone else who helped coordinate, organize, paint lines, etc. BTW – Ziggy Stardust is the man. Nothing stops him. NOTHING!

    YHC will remember a lot of things from #IPC. Week 1 – will absolutely remember the push from everyone as YHC somehow managed to finish. Week 2 – just awful. awful, awful.

    It will take at least a year to recover.

  • Data
    October 5, 2019 2:50 pm

    Had a lot of fun being part of this, even though my travel made it hard for me to join the coordinated workouts. Had the benefit of talking to Sassy at work – and sharing a coupon, so we could commiserate about being two of the slowest guys in the Dash-Pax! 🙂 I found the workouts really creative, and they definitely included a couple exercises (burpees and pullups) that I otherwise would have avoided like the plague – bottom line, I was pushed hard, didn’t want to let my Dash brethren down, so made sure I left it all out there on the exercise field (couple of times I thought I was gonna leave the last night’s dinner out there!) Thanks for letting an old guy play along!

  • Greenspan
    October 7, 2019 8:48 pm

    Most memorable moment: Litterbox picking YHC up after round 5 of week 2 and escorting YHC around for the last 400. Peak of #ISI.

    Why? For the fellowship and to take it to the 11s.

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