A Very WIB-ish Estate

QIC: Turnover

Date: 12.30.19

PAX: Balco , Razzie , Chisel , Cheesesteak , Zima , Huckleberry , HOG (WB) , Drip (WD) , Turnover (Q)

9 PAX descended upon Reynolda Village for the final Estate of 2019 and were met with unseasonably warm temperatures.  An enjoyable climate for a not-so-enjoyable beatdown.  Lets see what happened:

Prior to Warm o Rama, YHC flawlessly recited (see: read) the F3 Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles, in order.  It was spectacular.

Warm O Rama

SSH x20 (Zima wondered aloud if SSH’s as the first warm up exercise was the 6th core principle)

Abe Vigoda x8

Arm Swirly Thing Medley x20

L over R, R over L

The Thang

Mosey from launch down the hill where the trail and parking lot meet.  It was here that the PAX stumbled upon a piece of cardboard with exercises written on it…weird.  YHC then confirmed that today’s installment of The Estate would look very much like a typical WIB.  YHC also confessed to already committing a #QFail by forgetting to have the PAX perform 5 burpees before leaving Launch.  So 5 burpees were then performed, OYO.  PAX were to complete each exercise at each station 5 times and would increase that number by 5 on each lap.  However, only 1 burpee would be added each time we made it back to launch.

Station 1 (Legs)

Squat Kicks, double count

Mary Katherines, single count

Ski Down, double count

Station 2 (Abs)


Full Extension Crunches

Heels 2 Heaven

Station 3 (Chest)

Wide Merkins


Mike Tyson’s

Station 4 (Random stuff YHC wanted to throw in there)


Alt. Step Ups

Alt. Shoulder Taps

Launch –> Burpees

All PAX completed 4 full laps which saw us get up to 20 reps of all exercises including Wide Merkins, Erkins, and Mike Tysons which was very un-fun.


Announcements / Prayer Requests

YHC has the Q at Flatline, Mayhem, and TRQ this week.

Anniversary Convergence this Saturday at IS. Sounds like it’s gonna be a doozy, so don’t miss it.

No Conspiracy this week, but there will be Mayhem. Stay Tuned for details and start time.

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings


Zima, as is his custom, voiced his displeasure with the Mike Tysons, among other things.  He also asked if I thought any of this through when putting the workout together.  The answer to that question is and always will be an emphatic “No”.

Drip, in a true ‘Pot calling the Kettle black’ moment, noted that he thought the beat down was difficult as he sped past YHC on the last lap.  Always the highest of compliments.

Thanks to Balco, YHC finally learned the origin of the name “Mary Katherines”.  Superstar.

Big thank you to Cheesesteak who suggested that Mayhem on Wednesday be a later start because of the holiday.  That thought had not occurred to YHC, but it will more than likely be implemented.

Thanks for the keys, HOG.  I left them at one of the stations, I just don’t remember which one.