We Remember

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 01/27/20

PAX: Offsides (WD), Turnover, Lemming, Bevo, Greenspan, Huckleberry, Tar Heel (WB), Wobegon, Spamalot (QIC)

75 years ago today, Soviet Union troops liberated Auschwitz.  At the time of its liberation, there were approximately 7,000 survivors.  All told, approximately 1.1 Million people perished at Auschwitz, 1 Million of which were Jewish.  All told, 6 Million Jews perished during the Holocaust.


While there is no way that a F3 workout could adequately honor the lives of those millions, YHC humbly tried today.



SSH x 25 IC

Arm Swirly Things (F) x 25 IC

IST x 25 IC

(75 total reps, representing the 75th Anniversary of liberation)

Arm Swirly Things (R) x 25 IC

Copperhead Squats x 25 IC

Whirly has the Clap x 25 IC

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)


Mosey around inner loop and back to covered are with picnic tables.


Erkins x 25 IC

LBCs x 25 IC

Dips x 25 IC

(75 reps)

Mutton Crunch (R) x 25 IC

Standing Jack Reachers x 25 IC

Mutton Crunch (L) x 25 IC

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)


Mosey to tennis courts

Lunge walk to middle of first court

Hand release Merkins x 25 OYO

Lunge walk to middle of second court

Carolina Dry Docks x 25 OYO

Lunge walk to middle of third court

Alt. Shoulder Taps x 25 OYO

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)

Repeato, this time:

Mosey to middle of first court

LBCs x 25 OYO

Mosey to middle of second court

Low flutter x 25 OYO

Mosey to middle of third court

Low Dolly x 25 OYO

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)


Mosey to rear of courts and out the gate.  Find 2 smallish rocks for:

Curls x 25 IC

OHP x 25 IC

Upright rows x 25 IC

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)

Side arm raises x 25 IC

Seal claps x 25 IC

Arm swirly things (F) x 25 IC

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)


Return rocks, and mosey back to parking lot.

Mosey to other side of parking lot

High knees to other side of parking lot

Butt kickers to other side of parking lot

Backwards run to other side of parking lot

Karioke to other side of parking lot

Karioke to opther side of parking lot

(6 total exercises)



LBCs x 25 IC

Rosalitas x 25 IC

Low flutters x 25 IC


Plank – R leg up

Plank – L leg up

(75 reps)

(6 total exercises)




Great showing this morning.  Hates, Ayes, and Respects all represented

YHC saw two Pax logging EC miles before the beatdown.  Assume it was Greenspan and……?? (sorry)

Yes, YHC called a lot of exercises IC.  #liketohearmyselftalk

25 dips IC is…. excessive

Even smaller rocks can be excessive at 25 reps

Q fail and stubbornness – Karioke style.   Only YHC did not immediately realize that by switching direction, we were working the same muscle groups.  Instead of simply switching, YHC dug in my heels (Stuck my my head in the sand) and soldiered on.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

New format for The Outhouse starts next Monday with a Murph!  See PB on Website for details of new schedule.  #Tclaps #Greenspan

On Valentine’s Day – DQ has a play at the old Garage location.  Beverly and Huckleberry will be showing off their acting chops.  Check it out.

Run Ranger Run team – Last year we had 3 teams and kick major ass.  See Wobegon.  No cap on team members this year.  Goal is to average 2 miles run per day during the month of February.  Can also log miles biked, rucked, etc.

Huckleberry with strong reminder regarding yesterday’s tragic accident involving Kobe Bryant.  Regardless of what you thought of him, he was a father.  And in those horrible last moments, not only did he confront his own mortality, he also had to do so with his 13 year old daughter.  Prayers for all those impacted.

YHC is not sure what I could say that has not already been said about Auschwitz and the Holocaust.  The 75 reps obviously represented the 75 years since liberation of the camp.  The 6 exercises and 6 stages of exercises represented the 6 Million Jews that died in the Holocaust.  As Bevo noted, if you have not had the opportunity to visit the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. it is worth a visit.  Last night my daughter had the opportunity to attend an event in D.C. where at least one survivor spoke.  While she was reluctant to go, I received a text this morning telling me that she was glad she did.  Likewise, while YHC was in college, I had the opportunity to attend a lecture from another survivor.  They are the witnesses to the horror that hate can yield.  It is up to all of us to Never Forgot and say Never Again.  We Remember.


YHC took us out with the Shema.  Translated – “Hear O, Israel.  The Lord is our G-d; the Lord is one.”


Thank you all for this morning.





1 Comment

  • Greenspan
    January 27, 2020 11:58 am

    Great workout and great reminder, Spam’tan.

    Turnover was the other (faster) idiot running this morning.

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