Morning Numbers and Instructions

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 2.3.2020

PAX: Fender, Singing Cowboy, DQ (WD), Bulldog, Sassy(WB), Schneider and Boomerang

As promised we did not see our shadows except under the streetlights of the Publix’s parking lot.It has been a while since I have Q’ed at VI, a great AO with many places to explore and so we began.

Warmarama was on the move as we made our way on to Publix.  We began with a slow Abe Vigoda and stretches-which seemed to please the PAX as many of us did stay up later than normal to watch Super Bowl 54 (go Chiefs!). After a short run, mosey per Bulldog, next were Hillbillies, then a mosey, stopping to do Whirlies with a Clap, mosey and Bat Wings (arm swirlies forward, backward, overhead claps and seal claps)-all were in cadence.  Last mosey for 20 right and left leg step-ups OYO.

The Thang:

4 Corners in the Parking with a series of exercises at each station with a mosey between stations. Start with 5 of each exercise and increase by 5 with each rotation.

Corner 1

Jack Reachers, Squats and Monkey Humpers

Corner 2 (this is where counting and instructions were important, or at least there was mumblings to this effect)

4X4-start a burpee but in the down position do 4 merkins, then 8 single count mountain climbers., that’s one

Peter Parkers

Corner 3

Low Flutters, Alabama Prom Dates and Captain Thors

Corner 4

SSH, Lunges, Calf legs

Made a total of 3 rounds and mosey back to the start, for total of 1.6 miles.


Run Ranger Run for the month of February.

DQ has the Q at Bells N Whistles this week (heading over on Tuesday night due to the distance)

Prayer Requests:

DQ’s brother’s family

Hazer having surgery this Thursday

YHC took us out thanking God for the ability to workout, praying for us to be the salt and light to those around us.  Showing His love to family and those we spend our time with. Also, prayers for the PAX in the IR list.


Schneider did announce we started a few seconds, YHC promised we would end early-Q fail. We finished on time by his watch.

The PAX was strong on all corners.  YHC, however, needs to provide more clear instructions and numbers-something to work on. Maybe cardboard is the answer.

Bulldog was quick to correct the reference to run with mosey, took a few times but eventually it made it’s way into the workout vocabulary.

4X4, once it became clear what it was, sucked. At 10 reps a lot of merkins.

The early workers at Publix appeared a bit leery with our Monkey Humpers and Jack Reachers-a strange site at 5:45am, or probably at any time of the day.  Wonder what the trash truck driver thought about the Alabama Prom Dates!

A real pleasure to lead this fine PAX of HIM’s.


1 Comment

  • DQ Drama Queen
    February 3, 2020 10:38 pm

    Not sure YHC ever accomplished corner 2 correctly but that did not detract from it still sucking. Other corners not so bad. Overall butt kicker for day after eating too much. Thanks Boomerang

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