#ZimaWeek2020 Convergence

QIC: Zima

Date: 3/7/20

PAX: D-Day, Blue Steel, Spicoli, Dovetail, Van Gogh, Tool Time (fka Paul Atkins), Drama Queen, Abacus (fka Chris Jackson), Voldemort, Chaps, Touch-Me-Not, Elmer Fudd, Red Baron, Crash Test Dummy (fka Joel Stitzel), Ziggy Stardust, Burns, Cheesesteak, Undertow, Red Eye, $5 Footlong, Lace, Huckleberry, Harden, Sour Mash, Palin, The Singing Cowboy, Schneider, Boomerang, Root Canal/Dr. Toot/The Pharaoh, Rust Bucket, Tarheel, Plunger, Bulldawg, Ink Spot, Drip, Greenspan, Short Coat (fka Matt King), G-String (kfa Bill Kossler) (WD), Buzz Lightyear (WB), Fender, Aunt Bea (fka Charles Greenwood), Mutton, Splash, Just For Men, Bevo (Nomad Run), The H.O.G. (Nomad Run), Zima (Q for the week)


The mission, credo, and core principles of F3 were recited with crisp perfection.  Noticing a few new (and long forgotten) faces, a proper disclaimer was given. And in about 1.3 seconds, “Time Waster” was shouted.  Sheesh.



SSH (6th Core Principle), Whirlies with a Clap (obviously), Michael Phelps, Peter Parkers, Burpees, Imperial Stormtroopers (sorry, I couldn’t resist)



Everybody grabbed a rock.  Manhood was judged.

  1. Parking Island 1: Cherry Pie Death Crunch x 10 (demonstrated by Greenspan)
  2. Carry rock across the parking lot.
  3. Parking Island 2: Burpees with Hand Release Merkins (demonstrated by Huckleberry, sort of)
    1. increase Burpees from 1 to 5 on each trip
    2. increase Merkins within the Burpees (i.e. on trip 3: each of the 3 Burpees has 3 Merkins)
  4. Carry rock back across the parking lot.
  5. Repeato 5 times.
  6. Pick up the six


Partner up by shirt color.  Why? Literally for no reason other than to mix things up and maybe meet a new friend.

  1. WWIIs x 50 while partner holds feet and Planks
  2. Flapjack
  3. Run up Hill to Nowhere
  4. Burpees x 10 OYO
  5. Run back down
  6. Random ab circuit for the six
  7. Heels to Heaven x 50 while partner Al Gores
  8. Flapjack
  9. Run up Hill to Nowhere
  10. Squats x 50 OYO
  11. Run back down
  12. Random ab circuit for the six


Circle up with rocks (lots of thievery took place – apparently larceny is wholly acceptable if your rock is too heavy for you) in the large grassy area.  Why that was hard to understand, I have no idea.

  1. Rock Thrusters x 10 IC
  2. Rock Curls x 10 IC
  3. Spider Merkins x 10 IC
  4. Rock Swings x 10 IC
  5. Low Flutter (with Rock) x 10 IC
  6. Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  7. Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
  8. Repeato
  9. Rock Burpees AMRAP for 30 seconds



It takes a lot of chutzpah to skip a #Convergence just to boycott #ZimaWeek2020.  Yeah, you know who you are.

If a run happens before a scheduled beatdown and some PAX leave without attending the beatdown, is it considering an #ECRun or a #NomadRun?  Discuss. Whatever the verdict, 4 certifiably insane guys went for 7 miles pre-beatdown. Another one, unfortunately, #SadClown’ed a shorter distance.

Apparently using a rock as a weight was not challenging enough, so Fender used a tiny human being to build up his strength.  #BuzzLightyear

There were many legitimate reasons for not posting this morning, but for those PAX who thought it was too cold or their bed was super comfy or they had a boo boo on their finger, see Root Canal, Spicoli, Rust Bucket, Ink Spot, $5 Footlong, or Blue Steel … to name a few.  #INSPIRATIONAL (note: when you proofread this, perhaps soften the language before posting)

It was fantastic to see over 40 men come together in wind chilled 23° weather to share in the collective misery.  Strangely, there seemed to be a sadistic sense of enjoyment that permeated throughout the crowd. Or maybe that was just sweaty body odor.

Speaking of, is Drip’s patented grin directly proportional to the intensity of the beatdown.  It’s physically impossible for the man not to smile.

Huckleberry was severely disappointed we didn’t push rocks up the Hill to Nowhere.  He was the only one.

Watching the different partner pairings was an amazing sight.  Not only was there enjoyable banter spreading amongst the crew, but witnessing the constant motivation and unwavering assistance warmed the cockles of YHC’s heart.  #MoreThanAWorkout. I saw guys grouping up for modifications so nobody was alone, PAX constantly going back for the six, buddies carrying each others’ rocks, speed and cadence adjusted to remain with a friend, and men literally lifting up other men.  #MoreThanAWorkout.

I heard Cheesesteak complain about one of the exercises and when I looked over, he was actually doing what the Q called.  See every other backblast YHC has ever written when Cheesesteak has been in attendance for the beatdown to understand why that is a shocking statement.

YHC wishes we had a drone shot of the PAX running up and down the Hill to Nowhere.  It looked eerily similar to those breathtaking helicopter views broadcast on the switchbacks of the French Alps in the Tour de France.

Setting the number of reps at 50 was not well received by the PAX.  Blame Whirly. #TimeWaster

Van Gogh kept attempting to impress the FNGs and disrupt the Q, but his mumble chatter game was weak.

Why was there so much yelling this morning?  Wait, I should probably ask myself that question.

Spicoli took a lot of pictures of people working out.  Does that mean that he wasn’t actually doing the exercises?  In an unrelated comment, if anyone else has photographic images, please do share.

How many f’ing times can I demonstrate the same exercise?  And why was it always the veterans asking and not the new guys?

The PAX were so encouraged by the turnout that there was much talk of keeping the EH’ing going for new guys, as well as a few of our brothers who haven’t been seen in a while.

Man, the PAX really missed Whirly as the co-Q this morning.  He’s a lot more sensible (and well liked) than YHC.


Most of all, THANK YOU for allowing me to Q this morning and feeding into my Napoleon complex by following my lead (somewhat).



Paul Atkins currently works with DQ, but before that, he did a stint at Home Depot.  Immediately Homer and Orange Apron were suggested. He is also a coin collector, but the PAX stuck on the HD theme.  Other ideas were Borland and DIY, but the winner was Tool Time. Welcome Tool Time.

Chris Jackson goes to River Oaks Community Church with Van Gogh and works in University Advancement at Wake Forest doing fundraising.  Bean Counter was immediately said. He went to App State, but grew up in some place called Stoneville. He’s got strong beard game, but since Harden was already taken, a clever PAX threw out Westbrook.  The financial whizzes won out and we welcomed Abacus.

Matt King goes to Salem Pres and is a Resident at Wake; also went to Wake undergrad.  He’s from Nashville so some half-hearted country music names were tossed out. This one ended quickly as the smarty medical PAX settled on Short Coat.  I still don’t know what that means, but welcome Short Coat.

Charlie Greenwood is the dad of some of Fender’s students.  He does stuff with the Boy Scouts (How did nobody seize on a Girl Scout Cookie opportunity?  Where were you on that one, D-Day?) and works for a company out of Las Vegas. The prevalent themes narrowed down to gambling and all things Rain Man.  But then, out of nowhere, names shifted to Andy Griffith / Mayberry. So after the 17th degree of separation, we somehow welcomed Aunt Bea.

Bill Kossler is a fellow Suzuki guitarist of Fender.  And by fellow, it was discovered that Bill actually helped found the method, way before Fender was birthed.  Suzuki went to motorcycles to Crotch Rocket. But the winning name that got the most applause was G-String, not G-(well, you know).  Let’s hope this guy comes back. Welcome G-String.

Joel Stitzel is a biomedical engineering researcher at Wake Forest.  Something only VG cares about, but he is an avid user of the WFU HPC.  He goes to ROCC, where apparently VG has been recruiting. Joel does body modeling with Crash Test Dummies.  It came down to Lab Rat or CTD. Welcome Crash Test Dummy.



#DashPAXRuck will launch from Jamison Park on Sunday at 6:45 am.

EC #Murph launches from Jamison Park on Sunday at 5:45 am.

Coffeteria was held at Chick-fil-A on Peacehaven.  If this is the first you heard of it, you probably missed it.

Schneider has Parliament on Tuesday.

#ZimaWeek2020 continues on Sunday morning with a #Murph at 5:45 and #DashPAXRuck at 6:45.  Both launching from Jamison Park.

Root Canal has something on Wednesday.  He doesn’t know what it is. Honestly, with that guy, I’m not sure it’s even related to F3.

If you are a newly minted PAX / former FNG and are reading this, figure out some way to contact Van Gogh so he can teach you how to use Slack and maybe get an account on the website, but more importantly Slack.



The world.

Our F3 brothers who weren’t with us this morning.


When YHC asked if anyone felt led to take us out this morning, the criteria seemed to be someone that wasn’t constantly yelling at the PAX which immediately disqualified the Q, thus Root Canal took center stage and did what Root Canal does best while taking us out.


Zima out.


  • Kevin Altman
    March 8, 2020 2:12 pm


    Thanks for covering for me.

    Men of F3Winston Salem,

    I apologize for bailing on you. I hope you won’t hold it against me. If I need to make it up to you, let me know.

    Zima, as for “Man, the PAX really missed Whirly as the co-Q this morning. He’s a lot more sensible (and well liked) than YHC”, you might want to compare attendance stats for our respective Qs. #realitycheck

    What is a cockle?

    • 5$ Footlong
      March 9, 2020 10:12 am

      @Whirly, I def plan to hold something against you…depends on how ripe your #GloomCologne is on Thursday at #TRQ. #HC??

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