A Payback Misfire

QIC: Turnover

Date: 7.20.20

PAX: Bluto , The Singing Cowboy (WD) , Sassy , Snake Eyes , Turnover (Q, WB)

Upon my arrival back into town after a weekend golf trip, YHC was abruptly reminded by multiple Twitter DMs that I had the Q for #VI on Monday. A long overdue repayment of @Sassy’s favor of Q’ing out at #Mayhem back in February (which at the time of this writing feels like 7 years ago).  With little lead time, a sufficient plan was needed and in a hurry.

A few weeks ago, one of #WeFoCo’s finest, the honorable @Fender, treated the PAX that posted at #Mayhem to one of the most brutal beatdowns I’ve ever been apart of: 45 minutes of nothing but rock pushes, bear crawls, and jump-over, hand release Burpees (I almost vomited just typing that out). YHC wanted to put something together that might serve as a little repayment to @Fender’s “favor” to those poor PAX in attendance that day. Upon review of the AO (this was YHC’s first career #VI Q), it looked like there was plenty of parking lot space available. And some benches. The plan took shape. YHC arrived around 0515 to give a last once-over to the AO, at which time @Singing Cowboy was just getting done with his EC run. We exchanged pleasantries and a few more PAX started rolling in. At 0530, the MC was still flowing, but there was business to attend to. The Mission of F3 and its 5 core principles were recited perfectly. Mission Fender’s Payback: Engage.

Warm o Rama

Abe V’s x6 IC

SSH x20 IC

ISW’s x20 IC

AST’s x4x10 IC

Walk The Dog (Up Dog, Down Dog, Calf Stretch)

10 Burpees OYO and a quick lap around the lot


Mosey to shelter next to launch

An old favorite of YHC’s: Aiken Legs

20 Squats , 20 Box Jumps , 20 Lunges (DC) , and 20 Bonnie Blairs (DC) with no rest in between, OYO


Mosey to Parking Lot next to shelter

DB drills ALL the way down the first row of parking spots

Next up: Bear Crawl DB Drills ALL the way back to where we started

(Note: it was at this point YHC explained to the assembled PAX that this portion of the beat down was designed as the repayment for “Fender’s Mayhem Massacre”. As these PAX were no dummies, they astutely observed that @Fender was not in attendance this morning. This observation was promptly ignored by YHC and we proceeded with the planned brutality)

Upon completion of the Bear Crawl DB drills, we moseyed back to the shelter for more bench work

Erkin, Derkin, Dip Circuit

10 Erkins, 10 Derkins, 10 Dips

9 Erkins, 9 Derkins, 9 Dips

Follow this pattern down to 1.

Just enough time for…

Popcorn MARY

Sassy: Mutton Crunch

Bluto: Low Flutter

TSC: Cobra Crunch

Snake Eyes: Can’t Remember. #Cobains

Turnover: Plank to finish




Shmedfest August 28 and 29

@Spamtan has the Q at #BnW on Wednesday

YHC and @Razzie are doing a site Q switch this Wednesday: He will Q at #Mayhem, YHC will Q at #Conspiracy.

Sign up for Sasquatch

Prayer Requests

YHC’s 2nd cousin who has been hospitalized w/ COVID

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and asking for healing for our country


Was great to get back out to #WeFoCo and Q again.  VI is an awesome AO with TONS of possibilities. Looking forward to Q’ing here again in the future.

Big thanks to @Snake Eyes and @Sassy for the heads up on Sunday that I had the Q.

Has been great seeing and getting to know @Snake Eyes more.  A good dude who puts in some darn fine work in the gloom. Great work today, buddy.

@Sassy put in some valiant work as he was fighting off some back stiffness.

@TSC shared a story about how his son recently purchased an ’07 Mustang that may or may not be street legal. So if you get blown by on the road by a white Mustang with a blue racing stripe with someone hanging out the window yelling “Get out of the way, please”, at least you know who it is now.

@TSC and @Bluto also made the claim that they are honorary members of #WeFoCo. YHC doesn’t doubt this, but as I live very close to them both, I wonder if the same applies to me. Might have to check the district maps. There might be some gerrymandering going on.

Apparently Monday is trash pickup day at the Jerry Long Y because all PAX in attendance were nearly run over by a garbage truck whilst YHC was praying.  Lesson learned.

Always an honor to lead. Thanks for the keys, @Sassy.