Beautiful Morning Not So Beautiful Idea

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 07/09/2020

PAX: Mutton, Palin, Cherry Pie, Zima, HOG, Drama Queen

At some point during the pandemic days without exercise YHC thought a good virus related theme would be to increase exercises by doubling.  This would be a perfect fit for a WIB workout and it had been saved until yesterday’s spot on the Q calendar.

The pax gathered at the appointed spot not knowing what was ahead.  YHC started off very slowly with some warmorama that didn’t include SSHs.  We worked our way down from head to toe with mostly stretching type exercises.  The pax encouraged a full 45 min of this but the plan was set and there was no turning back.

We walked over to the start/finish line where YHC explained how exercises would work.  Much like the virus we would double every lap.  YHC explained this to be exponential progression.  Mutton did correct me that this was geometric.  I may have missed that on the SAT too. In my defense I’m remembering press using the word exponential in describing this, but believe it or not the press has gotten things wrong before.

Anyway, we were off on lap one starting with 2 reps.  Stops included merkins, LBCs, squats, Mike Tysons, and dips.  Laps were approx. .6mi.

HOG and Cherry Pie finished the “64” lap while all others completed some portion of that one.


When YHC saw the collection of pax that had decided to post, the goal was to not get lapped. Achieved

Another goal was that the increasingly higher number of reps would keep the pax in sight.  Not so much, though I wasn’t too far behind Mutton and we finally caught Zima and Palin as they were leaving to start 64 lap.

MC was good during warmup and first lap after that pax were too far ahead of me to hear anything.

Zima did critique my counting explanation on Abe Vigodas – pot meet kettle


HOG gave details on Shmedfest workouts – opps to raise $ for Crisis Control.  All at the Fairgrounds 8/28-29.  HOG also has CF Q this Saturday.


Cherry Pie noted small businesses in shopping center that are being affected by virus.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor