The Estate

QIC: Tigger (QIC)

Date: 8/24/20

PAX: Poncho, Van Gogh, Snake Eyes, Drip (WD), Cheesesteak, Interference, Cherry Pie, H.O.G., & Tigger (QIC & WB)


SSH, ABE, arm swirly’s, calf stretch (Because YHC need this badly)


For today’s thang, YHC decided to take pieces here and there from some of the previous Estate Q’s, in hopes of assembling a well thought out beatdown that also managed the time well (continue reading to find out whether YHC achieved this allusive goal – Hint, I did not – or did I?).

Mosey on over to the top of the main drag for the following:

  • Top = 5 burpees
  • Bottom = 5 Gas pumps (YHC is beginning to be predictable with these)
    • Complete 3 rounds and increase by 5 each time

***Crap, these guys are fast, said YHC to himself. I thought these were going to take longer & Poncho told me this workout looked good. Palin isn’t here for me to pass blame on and stall with burpees.

Mosey around to the right until we right the next parking section for the following:

  • Bottom: 5 dips & 5 Monkey Humper’s
  • Top: 10 LBC’s & 10 Low Flutters
    • Complete 3 rounds and increase by 5 each time

***Crapppppppp. These guys are still fast. In the midst of my inner monologue I hear Ponch say…uh oh, it’s only 530. Yikes. In reality, it was closer to 545 but it was in that moment that YHC knew, that they knew. Inner monologue, “Did poncho look at my sheet the day before and tell me it looked good even though he knew that it didn’t???”

Yes, I was once again in the familiar position of not having enough workout and too much time left. So YHC played it off and made everyone stop at the bridge next to the soccer field and grab a spot for:

  • 10 derkins in cadence
  • 20 alternating side lunges on their own.

***CRAPPPPPPP. How did that only take 5 minutes???

Mosey left to the lot below the start for the following:

  • Bottom: 5 Merkins & 3 double count forward lunges
  • Top: 5 jump squats & 3 double count reverse lunges
    • Complete 3 rounds and increase the merkins and squats by 5 each time and the double count lunges by 3. Pretty clear instructions, right? Some of the PAX were not following and ended up doing more than they needed. Sounds like a personal problem to me.

***CRAPPPPPP!!!!! YHC looks down at his watch to see 6am (choice words were said). But, drum roll…Poncho did come threw for YHC but at the same time it was clear that he knew this beatdown would be short. He said that any good Q will always have a 100, 200, 300 Dora in his back pocket that is guaranteed to take 15 minutes. So we went back down to the bottom of the hill and completed a dora of Merkins, Squats, & LBC’s. Afterwards, YHC looked down at his watch to see 6:13. We ran back to the start and held a plank for roughly 30 seconds.




The Shmed – A really crazy event with a crazy good benefit for Crisis Control (you can pledge $/rep). Pledge if you are able. If you’re not able, come out to the 2am workout and you will earn $20 for Crisis Control Ministry. Bring Canned Goods and/or purchase meals from local restaurants to support local business owners affected by covid-19. Cherry Pie put money on Van Gogh’s head – yikes! Try to encourage your F3 buddies to attend – Slack*** is definitely your best bet at reaching folks for this.

Greenspan will be sending out an email today for a breakfast and lunch on Saturday. $5/meal that is catered by Valdese and Mrs. Pumpkins. Sign up for Breakfast or Lunch.

IronPax Challenge will be held once a week. There are 2,000+ pax signed up nationwide for this. This Thursday is Week 0 @ Hanes – Burns will tell you everything you need to know.


Prayer requests:

Cherry Pie is Q’ing the work tonight. Pray that God guides him and the pax as they tackle racial injustice and reconciliation issues in our community. Check Slack*** for the link. Text/message wobegone, D-day, or Golic (?). Is slack or smoke signals a better method??




Drip showed up in an SUV today because he didn’t think the beatdown was going to be worthy, thus deciding to drive to Chapel Hill and move his son out of the dorm (ouch, he just moved him in a week ago).

YHC nailed the mission statement and core principles…kind of

As YHC was in the middle of explaining part 1 of the beatdown, the entire pax had already begun.

Snake eyes wanted to challenge Van Gogh and decided to sprint from the back of the back all the way up to the front so that he could cut him off. He was only able to do this because he channeled his inner hybrid vehicle and was a silent assassin. Fear not, Van Gogh was more than capable and willing to make up for it. Poncho said that we can all take turns doing what snake eyes just did so that we can really push Van Gogh. Snake eyes was the only one…

The PAX really struggled with listening and counting today and for some reason decided to mock the Q by saying that my count may as well have included fractions and decimals…smh.


Thanks Gents – It was a pleasure to lead today! I hope you are sore tomorrow…