The Impossible Situation

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 8/15/20

PAX: VanGogh, Zima, Buy Out, Root Canal, HOG, Lamb Chop

7 pax gathered on a Saturday morning for a Huckleberry Impossible Situation.  YHC hinted that this was a borrowed idea, and it was true.  700, time to go.

Warm o rama – SSH, Abe V, IW, Whirly, slerkins, copperhead squats all IC.

Mosey to the track.

instructions were simple – “perform 20 merkins, 20 squats, and 20 WWII.  then run one lap around the track.  when you return, perform 40 merkins, 40 squats, and 40 WWII.  then run 2 laps.  when you return, 60 merkins, 60 squats, and 60 WWII.  then run 3 laps.  so on and so forth until time”.

and off we went.

750 – time – mosey back to parking lot.  all pax were somewhere in the 100 reps of each section (some finished it).

parking lot – time for static muscle fatigue.  circle up.

circle merkins (all pax perform 15 merkins one at a time while the “resting” pax hold high plank).

circle squats (hold al gore)

circle merkins (hold low plank)

circle squats (hold low al gore)

circle crucible merkin (hold mid plank)

Mary – slow fredddy merk x 15 IC.


announcements – Schmed

prayers – none spoken

YHC took us out

MC was on point this morning.  we almost abandoned the workout and stayed with warm o rama the entire time just to keep the dialog going.  from lamb chop’s muscles being too big and restricting his form and range of motion and Zima and his little thingy.  Insults and questions were being toss around extremely fast – i couldnt keep up (foreshadowing for the rest of the workout).

YHC was the caboose of the pax.  Buy Out was nice and held back to run with me.  he actually ran several laps backwards, literally, so i am not sure how i feel about that.

Root Canal was killing it – took off and wouldnt slow down.

Zima and HOG finished the round of 100.  we are screening for doping.  they sprinted the laps and never rested on reps.

this was Van Gogh’s workout.  thank you for creating it.  I used it several times during the lockdown and always found it “sufficient”.  Glad some other pax were able to enjoy.

the static holds at the end killed everyone……except maybe buy out.

the instructions for the workout were in quotes above – this was intentional.  as Zima finished the round of 60, sat down with a “i crushed this grin” and said whats next.  I responded with “a round of 80”.  he replied “you didnt say that”.  Root Canal chimed in with “he said so on and so forth”.  everyone agreed.  Zima stopped smiling, might have pointed a finger at me (i am sure a pleasantry) and then crushed the 80 reps.


Drip, thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Until next time……Huck