9/11 Tribute workout At Urban Assault

QIC: Red Baron

Date: 9/11/20

PAX: Bam, snake Eyes, Red Pill, Dr. Toot, Rust Bucket, Truckstop, Posthole, Drip, Red Baron

It was a great morning to pay tribute to 9/11.

Warm up

SSH X 20

Abe Vigota x 6

Imperial Stormtroopers x 20

Whirly w/ clap x 10

Arm Circle things forward and backward x 10

Seal Clap x10

Mosey over to the hill next to Bailey park

Partner Work- one partner ran up and down the hill and switched off doing the exercises

77 Burpees – Reference Flight 77

110 Overhead Claps- Reference total stairs cases in world trade center

175 Merkins- reference Flight 175

175-WWII- reference Flight 175

175-Squats- reference Flight 175

Mosey over to Train Tracks

Countdown workout starting at 10, go down 1 after each set. We only made it to 6 because of time.


American Hammers double count

Omaha to final workout

Bear crawled to stairs in parking deck and then ran up to the top of parking deck and mosey back to starting spot.

Prayer requests-

To all those we lost on 9/11. That we never forget those who sacrificed their lives to save others.

Red Pills Wife to recover from illness

Fender to recover from injury