Conspiracy Back-Blast

QIC: Truck Stop

Date: 09/02/2020

PAX: Cat Call, Boo Boo, Picnic Basket, Lamb Chop, Little Piggy, Mutton, Drip, and Truck Stop

Warmorama: Side straddle hop, worrly, arm rotations

Round 1: 400 m jog, followed by approximately 35 burpees

Round 2: Partnered task of completing 250 WWII and 40 pull-ups

Round 3: Partnered task of completing 150 Mer-cans with interval box jumps

Round 4: The intimidation with interval 30 sec planks, skip jumps, bear crawl, and partnered relay race

Warm-down: Popcorn MARY


Prayer request: Cat Call recently had surgery which went very well and can now workout again.

1 Comment

  • Burns
    September 2, 2020 11:46 am

    This looks….brutal. I’m almost glad I did IPC instead of this!

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