Tour de Downtown at Flatline

QIC: Sassy

Date: 09/15/2020

PAX: Lambchop, Schneider, 60 Minutes, Cheesesteak, Dr. Toot Canal, Van Gogh, Drip, Sassy

YHC stepped outside this morning to find quite the surprisingly refreshing morning. Having not been a frequent poster at Flatline, YHC relied on previous backblasts to give some ideas of what to do, where to go, where not to go, etc. YHC used to be a frequent poster at Urban Assault in the early days, so we hit up some familiar areas from those workouts. 8 PAX joined in with at least 2 of them coming from #WeFoCo! YHC appreciates the support from the former place of residence! Onward to the workout…

The backblasts told me that this doesn’t happen, welp…

The Thang
Mosey to Corpening Plaza and circle up.

Side Straddle Burpees x10 OYO (#crowdpleaser)
Imperial Stormkickers x10 OYO (IST + kick)
Low, Slow Copperhead Squats x10 IC
Crab Jacks x10 IC (Get into crab walk position, knees bent at 90 degrees and hips towards the sky. Move thighs apart and back together.)

It was at this point that the PAX weren’t sure what was wrong with YHC. Three of the first four exercises were foreign to the PAX. YHC made up the SSBs while going to the Exicon for the other two.

Mosey 1 lap

Ok, time for the conventional exercises, mainly because YHC deleted part of the electronic weinke…
25 Merkins
25 Squats

Mosey around to in front of BB&T building
25 Hand release merkins
15 side lunges each leg

Mosey over in front of Wells Fargo building
25 Monkey Humpers
25 Pickle Pounders
15 Alabama Prom Dates (Schneider request)

Mosey in front of Sharp building and evaluate (3rd and Liberty) – hmm, that is now a construction site. Omaha catty corner where there is some open sidewalk area.
25 WWII sit-ups
25 Alternating Shoulder Taps

Mosey down 3rd Street to 1st Pres and proceed to the alley between the buildings for arm exercises all x10 IC to tease Dr. Toot.
Arm Swirly Things Forward
Arm Swirly Things Backward
Moroccan Nightclubs
Michael Phelps to shake it out
Chinooks (Overhead Arm Swirly Things)
Shoulder Press
Albatross (think using your arms as flapping wings)
Michael Phelps
Overhead Claps
Seal Claps

Mosey to the home parking lot

YHC re-introduced an F3ENC treasure to the F3WinstonSalem PAX with Wimpie Legs. It consists of the following:
10 Jump Squats
10 Bonnie Blairs
10 Mule Kicks

Mosey around the parking lot block (YHC incorrectly told the PAX to mosey the block and Van Gogh was proceeding to do the whole block)

LBCs x20 IC
Penguin Crunch x20 IC
Mutton Crunch x12 IC each side
High Plank for Jane Fondas each side x10 IC
Drop to Chilcutt (low plank) for Cumberland County Viaduct each side x10 IC


Announcements/Prayer Requests
Schneider and Sour Mash’s mom is having a biopsy done. Prayers that it goes well.

IronPax Challenge!
Wednesday 0515 at Hanes Park with at least Drip, Turnover, Burns, and YHC attending.
Thursday 0530 at Hanes Park with Van Gogh proctoring.
Saturday 0700 at Hanes Park with Bevo proctoring.

YHC had a blast with this group this morning. YHC doesn’t always subscribe to the “if you can’t Q it, don’t do it” mantra 100% of the time because what may be beyond what YHC can do may not be what others can’t do. There were a couple of those moments this morning for YHC, but the push is always appreciated and challenge accepted.

Van Gogh indicated he hadn’t visited some of the parts of downtown we visited this morning and appreciated the scenery.

Schneider thought Alabama Prom Dates should go with Pickle Pounders and Monkey Humpers, he’s not wrong…

Drip is such a good dude, YHC hasn’t worked out much with him in the past, but it has been enjoyable getting to post with him via IPC and this morning.

60 Minutes drove past Parliament to Flatline, as did Schneider. YHC appreciates the support and it will be reciprocated soon at somewhere other than VI!

Lambchop, Cheesesteak, and what seems like all these guys are just machines with these workouts. YHC was the 6 quite a bit in this workout, but hey, someone has to be it!

It was noted that YHC counted to 10 IC for the arm exercises just to troll Root Canal. Dr. Toot took it in stride and YHC made sure to count to 12 on the Mutton Crunches to make up for it. It was also noted that YHC’s phone changed hands mid arm workout. Had to feel balanced after doing that much arm work at one time!

It was a pleasure and YHC will be back soon to Flatline! $5 Footlong, the keys are left out in front of Wells Fargo where we did the more interesting workouts on camera(?), I’m sure there’s a security guard there much like at VI!