Urban Assault 10.02.2020

QIC: Burns

Date: 10.2.2020

Pax: Lamb Chop, Root Canal, Red Pill, Turnover, Posthole, Cheesesteak, Tigger, Burns (QIC)

Great to see the UA regulars out this morning. Missed having @Drip, @TruckStop, @RedBaron, among others. Fantastic AO, always good 2nd F throughout the beatdowns, I lament that @Greenspan got me running more frequently because OGs/Tractors and BBBC are in play for me Friday mornings.

YHC didn’t have much of a plan, so to speak, but a full arsenal of activities from 2.5+ years of Qing to try out and see what the pax made of it.


Abe Vs x8IC, Whirlys x15 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, SSH x20IC, Michael Phelps x20 IC, mosey into coal pit & gather around the stairs outside of Incendiary, fast feet x20, 10 irkins, fast feet x20, 10 right arm offset merkins, fast feet x20, 10 derkins, fast feet x20, 10 left arm offset merkins.  (essentially it was the wheel of merkins broken up by fast feet) Heart rates were raised and MC was flowing so it was time to begin…

The Thang

Mosey to train tracks. Partner up. Partner A does AMRAP pullups, Partner B holds Al Gore. Flapjack until 50 pullups are accumulated between the two.

Mosey into the parking deck. Start with 10 squats – proper form explained (head and chest up, hands to the ground). Mosey up to the top stopping at each level and adding 10 more squats at each stop – 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 = 100 squats.

At the top of the parking deck, YHC turned the reins over to Cheesesteak for a 10 minute yoga session. It was delightful to be up there in the crisp air doing some focused and targeted stretching – best part of my morning by far. Most of the session focused on leg & hip mobility, which YHC needs desperately and Lamb Chop needs even more.

After our session concluded, we moseyed back down the deck and back into the coal pit. Partner up for a dip ladder – Partner A begins with 20, Partner B does 19, back and forth all the way down to 1. Next up was a step-ups ladder beginning with 10 (double count) down to 1. Had plans for an irkin and a squat ladder as well, but we were short on time so we went back to the launch for Mary.


American Hammer x25IC, LBC x25IC



Turnover shared praises for the blessings in his life. YHC prayed for all of us to recognize our blessings daily and thanked the Sky Q for his abundant goodness.

Thanks for the keys, Cheesesteak