where’d the cones go?

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 10/22/20

PAX: Wobegon, VG, Greenspan, HOG, Honey Badger, Root Canal, Palin, Bevo, Burns, Turnover

11 pax gathered on a beautiful morning for WIB.  After a perfectly led Q at Flatline on Tuesday (see previous backblast for proof) that received no complaints, YHC promised an easy WIB.  The design was simple and all pax were ready.  0530, mission statement and off we went.

Warm-o-rama – SSH, IW, Abe V all IC.

Thang – parking lot in shape of a figure 8 – 2 speed bumps on lower circle, 2 crosswalks on upper circle.  At speed bumps perform 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs.  At crosswalks perform 5 merkins, 10 squats, and 15 LBCs.  Complete as many laps as possible.

oh wait…..one more thing.  the middle portion that connects the 2 circles……perform 20 yards of burpee broad jumps (20 yards measured between 2 cones).

615 – time called.  no need to collect the cones, they had already been stolen by one of the pax.

Announcements – Burns “hell week” coming up – he will buy a beer to anyone who posts to all the workouts.

Prayers – Turnover friend – has a nephew that recently passed away.   HOG – we all need to be kind to each other – youth at church struggling and relate actions based on actions of other adults.  continued recovery of $5 and Drip. all those with struggles due to current climate (pandemic, political, life).

YHC took us out.

Burns, the WIB Fob is with the cones.  good luck.


lots of laps, lots of reps.

somehow the cones kept getting closer with each lap……mystery.  luckily yhc kept moving them back.  until they disappeared.

the pax crushed this workout.  Root Canal went to timeout for a lap.  What happens at WIB stays at WIB.

ask others or post some MC, YHC was trying to keep up with Greenspan – still recovering.
