700 Club Comes to TRQ

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 11/19/2020

PAX: Total Recall, Goofy, Boomerang, Organ Grinder, Argyle, Green Acres, Spamalot, Starfish, Tigger, BAM, Drama Queen

It had been a while since YHC had posted at TRQ and even longer since Qing.  So something with rocks, no running and putting up with some MC from pax that don’t usually post over WeFoCo way – what could go wrong.  I pulled out some previously used cardboard that had made appearances at The Outhouse and B&W so why not give it another stamp on the Dash passport.

The pax gathered and a few shared some leftover comments from the Tuesday non running workout where apparently my good name had been besmirched.  Starfish graciously became my time piece for the day and advised we were right on time.  And thus we began with a disclaimer that said something about being invigorated. That was followed quickly with SSHs. Several other warmarama standards followed and we finished with the ever popular Dry Dock Crab which amped up the MC.

We then moseyed to the rocks and instructions were to pick out a largish one.  YHC was busy trying to locate the two spots for locations of exercises to come.  We needed light and with the large number of pax a little width.  Suggestions abounded but YHC quickly settled on a plan although I might have said “y’all messed this up” somewhere along about this time.

It was finally time for instructions from the cardboard.  7 exercises at 2 locations x 25 reps x 2 rounds of each exercises = 700 reps.  That was the goal – at this point Goofy reminded me it was a 45 minute workout.  No worries.

We had to make a few slight changes since cardboard was written for kettle bells but it went something like this.

Rock station – Swings, Curls, Squats, Dead Lifts, OH press, Bent over rows, Floor to shelf aka The Haas aka Tater Sacks

Body Weight station – Merkins, LBCs, Plank Jacks, Low Dollies, Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercs, SSHs

Modes of transport – Bear Crawls, Lunge walks, Duck Walk, A Creeds, Caraoke, Hi Knees, Crab Walk

Starfish gave us another time check and we had plenty of time to deposit rocks and mosey back for about 2.5 minutes of Mary which consisted of Low flutters, Penguin crunches, maybe something else and 20 or so seconds of planking.



It was good to see some old faces (Organ Grinder, Argyle) and several that I don’t see often enough

I believe both Green Acres and BAM were either WIWO or RIRO or some combination or W/R.

Strong group of respects out today with a few youngsters in the mix

Goofy also commented on small size of my cardboard – between that and the soft serve remarks I felt quite inadequate the rest of the day

YHC was not familiar with the school worker’s time to pull in the parking lot but  fortunately no pax were lost

Cobains for the “y’all messed this up” or whatever I said – Happy to have that many there and hope you got your money’s worth


Starfish is in beginning stages of Dash pax working with Green Nest.  YHC also mentioned early stages of working with Watchmen of the Streets.  Stay tuned for more details on these service opps.

Tigger announced new AO for combined Estate and Outhouse will be at Sherwood Elementary after 1/1 – new name is The Iron Throne.

Boomerang stated there will be a convergence of TRQ next Thur with The Distillery but time is still 0530.  Goofy voiced instead a 0700 time for TRQ but no one stepped forward to Q.  Watch Slack or Twitter or perhaps Tik Tok for an official announcement.


Spam’s cousin has had to deal with a lot in life and has recently lost her husband

Argyle asked for prayers for students traveling back – I took it to mean safe on the road travels but as I type this there I realize there are other safety concerns out there so let’s all be aware

YHC took us out

Always an honor