
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 11/2/20

PAX: THE Singing Cowboy, Snake eyes, Suede, Schneider, Drama Queen, Boomerang, Fender

On a chilly Monday morning, I sat in my warm car thinking no one would show up.  Then 3 HIMs coming running into the parking lot after getting after multiple miles.  2 minutes till launch, here come the WeFoCo crowd. Several pax asked about some warm coffee but schneider quickly reminded them that YHC brought coffee to the Distillery last week and it was not good.   0530 we had 8 and it was time get this party started.

warm o rama – SSH, IW, Abe v, Whirly, squats, michael phelps

mosey to the picnic shelter next to the field to find some cardboard with 20 exercises on it!!

the workout was simple – perform 20 reps of an exercise then line up at the cone for a 40 yard dash to the second cone and then a second dash back.  move onto next exercise.


  1. Ranger merkins
  2. Snow angels
  3. plank punches
  4. curveball…….DQ requested more lineman at this workout and less DB’s.  new rule….DQ starts 40 yard dash on my go, yhc will give DQ a head start and then release the rest of the cheetahs.  any pax that finished behind DQ owes 5 burpees.  this worked out great as all pax pushed themselves way harder!  and DQ made us do alot of burpees (fast when he wants to be).
  5. wide merkins
  6. low flutter
  7. crabcakes
  8. diamond merkins
  9. american hammers
  10. makhtar N Diaye
  11. crucible merkins
  12. heels to heaven
  13. ski abs
  14. carolina dry docks
  15. LBC
  16. right leg SSH
  17. low pulse merkin
  18. Low dolly
  19. Left leg SSH
  20. WWII
  21. Plank to fatigue


611 – Mosey back to start for mary – Freddie merk IC nice a slow.  613 – fender needed 20 burpees to get to 100 – so all pax perform 20 burpees (they loved me).

Announcements – Sour has Q at VI next week.  Election tomorrow – Boomerang requests all pax to return to the polls and ask if they counted your vote.

Prayers – Schneider and Sours mother – oncology appointment today.  Snake eyes friend had a child in a car accident.


strong push by all this morning, lots of good sprinters out there – DQ was sandbagging till the burpees were added.  then we all suffered.

Fender being fender, wanted to the burpees each time so sprinted out and made sure he was last on the way back

Cowboy volunteered for burpees once instead of sprinting

Suede was killing it, all morning.

Good to have Boomerang back out there but he was not quiet about all the nonsense

Snake eyes is fast

everyone questioned the one leg SSH – but they are a great exercise

thank you all for posting and motivating me to work harder.  it was a pleasure to workout with you men.

until next time, Huckleberry