A Dirty Dozen Island in the Sun

YHC traveled to WeFoCo for some fun this morning. The idea of 23s originally popped into y head… but dang that’s a lot. So logically, 12s was the obvious next step down. The rain changed some plans slightly, but the empty upper lot and island...

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SubstiQ by Default

YHC got the Substi-Q by default from Burns as a result of no other PAX volunteering to Q. Happy to post to UA, for what is hands down the nicest view in the city at night/morning. YHC put the EH on about 10 guys pretty late on Thursday… and...

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A Great Morning at #IS

The Sky Q provided a beautiful morning in mid 40s with plenty of sun. One-by-one the PAX trickled in eager to put in some work. That is, everybody but Drip. He chose to conveniently leave is knee brace at home. Hearing the news Van Gogh commented...

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Iran So Far

In preparation for my Q this Friday of OGs and Tractors I had a song running through my head thanks to the 2013 SNL digital short. And Iran, Iran so far away.  This now begs the question who in the PAX are best suited to be part of the SNL cast...

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700 Club Comes to TRQ

It had been a while since YHC had posted at TRQ and even longer since Qing.  So something with rocks, no running and putting up with some MC from pax that don’t usually post over WeFoCo way – what could go wrong.  I pulled out some...

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Beastly Plyometrics

As the pax exited our vehicles, murmurs of “cold” and “wish I’d stayed in bed” were overheard; YHC guaranteed that no one would be cold in five minutes, but no guarantee was given regarding the bed. Warmarama: SSHs, burpees, arm destroyers, dive...

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Let’s Try This Again

The Phoenix came back to The Outhouse for Round 2 of YHC’s rendition of an IPC favorite: Meter’s 43. In the first iteration of this beatdown, the workout sucked and so did YHC’s speaker as it decided to stop working after only...

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Thanks, BAM !

PAX: Cheesesteak, Palin, Van Gogh, Lamb Chop (WB), Root Canal (WD,Q) A leisurely Monday evening meal prep was interrupted by the M asking if I was the “line leader” in the am. Palm to forehead. Yep, I’m up. I go to my vault of...

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Just Visualize Something Else

WARMARAMA.  SSH, Whirly with the Clap, Michael Phelps, IST   Hobbled Q versus 3 Beasts of the Bootcamp.  Yeah, this is going to go well.  I’m definitely going to have to cheat to keep up.   BEATDOWN.   Station 1: Burpees | Squats |...

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Escalating Tabata at R-n-G

Winklevoss, Burlap, Zuckerburg, Palin, Juicebox, Glazer, Cheerio, “Bout time, Wobegon, Mutton, Closer, BALCO Despite twitter warnings 11 PAX decided to join YHC for R-n-G this AM.  We started with a deceptively hilly 5K through BV...

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