Maybe the greatest route ever

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 01/22/21

PAX: Fender, Sourmash, Harden (WB), Singing Cowboy (WD), Bam, Spamalot

One of the many benefits of leading at BBBC is the abundance of established, easy to follow routes.  Being late in planning today’s routes, YHC reached into the bag and pulled out 1040EZs Straight line Depreciation route. Launch from OrthoCarolina. Turn right on Lewisville Clemmons road.  Turn around at the 22 minute mark. Return.

Sourmash had jokingly said Fender should run all the way to Food Lion.  And he did!


TSC and Bam were within earshot of YHC so I consider that we ran together.

Sourmash and Harden were planning something bourbon related.

6 out.  6 in.


Lots of non F3 runners on the course today. Everyone is getting after it.

One week from tomorrow- Alcatraz launches.  6 am and 7 am.

Blood Drive coming up in February.  Sign up to donate or volunteer.  See Splash with questions.

Prayers for Sgt Schultz as he continues to recover.  Get well soon!!!


YHC took us out.

Have a great Friday boys!



