The Odds Were Not In Our Favor – WIB 1.14.2020

QIC: Burns

PAX: Dr. Toot, Drip, Honey Badger, H.O.G., Palin, Boo Boo, Mutton, Cherry Pie, Spicoli, Greenspan, Burns (QIC)

The third running of my dice-dependent WIB was a huge success as pax rolled increasingly rare combinations of numbers that seemed to yield higher and higher rep totals each time. The seven dice assembled in a small tupperware were used to determine our fate – two colorful dice were used to determine the burpee total, and the five black & white dice total up for our rep count each lap. As you go through the workout, you add a new exercise from the weinke after each lap around the Thruway shopping center.


SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Whirlys all x12IC

The exercises:

  • WWIIs
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Bonnie Blairs
  • Parker Peters – did not get to these. 

The rolls of the dice:

  • 7/21 – probability 1.16%
  • 8/13 – probability 0.75%
  • 9/15 – probability 0.92%
  • 10/19 – probability 0.79%
  • 11/17 – probability 0.56%
  • 5/25 – probability 0.18%
  • 11/18 – probability 0.56%

Rep totals for each exercise: 61 burpees, 128 WWIIs, 107 squats, 94 merkins, 81 alternating shoulder taps, 62 crunchy frogs, 43 diamond merkins (for 137 merkins total), and 18 bonnie blairs

As has been the case with the previous runnings of this beatdown, nobody made it through 8 total laps. Cherry Pie, H.O.G., and Honey Badger got through 7 total and completed the lap at the end of that set, while everyone else was somewhere in their 7th set when time was called. Very strong effort from all who shook off the fartsack and made their way to this Workout In (a) Bag/Box. It has been particularly fun seeing Drip at WIBs recently – he mentioned he’s had a schedule change that is freeing up Thursday mornings and as we all know, having Drip at your beatdown means you are going to leave feeling very encouraged and genuinely happier during your day.  It was also great having BooBoo out, who I don’t end up working out with much despite his primary AOs being a mere hop skip and a jump away from my house.  He and Drip joined Root Canal, Mutton, and Spicoli to form a strong crew who stuck together and grinded out the exercises while also getting some good 2nd F in.  YHC believes the aforementioned trio of CP, HB, and H.O.G. were also enjoying 2nd F while dusting the rest of us – I was too busy sucking wind trying to chase down Palin who was trying to chase them down to participate in much #mumblechatter during these 45 minutes. Greenspan had to leave at 0600 and he chose to run the opposite loops around Thruway than the rest of the pax. Just a guy sticking to his guns, marching to the beat of his own drum this morning.

For comparisons of the probability of each of these rolls, the highest probability rolls are 7/17 and 7/18, with a 1.67% chance of the dice returning that combination. So while these inhumane rep returns were not likely this morning (particularly the last three), the chances are just as good/slim – depending on your outlook on life – that the tables could have turned in an easier direction. I guess we’ll find out next year. Palin also asked me to calculate the probability of the roll of the burpee dice being larger than the roll of the 5 regular dice – through some complicated maths that I’m not entirely sure I did correctly, I believe that probability is 0.605% which happens to be greater than three of the rolls we had this morning. Not impossible, but it hasn’t happened yet.


YHC has 10 weeks left as your humble WIB site Q – the torch is being passed to the venerable Doctor Toot Canal, Pharaoh of Flatulence. He will be taking over on April 1, 2021. Please mark that date on your calendar to come out and celebrate a peaceful transition of power.

YHC will be Q at Urban Assault tomorrow – bring two bricks with you.

Drip is Q at Impossible Situation on Saturday – bring your big boy pants with you.

Beverly is running 43 miles for HOPE on Saturday – donate some money to the cause, join him to run some miles, or do both.

Coffeeteria on Saturday will be at Beverly’s HOPE run – even if you don’t plan on running, head over to HOPE HQ at Kimberly Park Saturday after the beatdowns to get some 2nd F and cheer him on as he begins a gargantuan effort on his 43rd bday. The address is 355 Crawford Place.

Donate blood with us – F3WS, led by Splash, is participating in a blood drive on Saturday, February 20th. Sign up information is on Twitter and Slack – go to and search for our blood drive with the sponsor code ‘Fitness Fellowship Faith’

Prayers were lifted up in praise for Sgt Shultz’s announced recovery, and in concern for the next few weeks in our country as we transition from one president to another.

YHC is keeping the keys until Spamalot needs them next week.