ALARMs Return to Flatline – 2.16.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 2.16.2021

PAX: Cheesesteak, Drip, Wobegon, Huckleberry, Lambchop, Weasley (FNG), Van Gogh, Bevo, Zima, Workbench, Mutton, Root Canal, Spicoli, Turnover, and Burns


YHC enjoyed a 2-mile EC run with Turnover, who proceeded to continue running as he is training for a half-marathon in April. Stud. He ended up joining us a little over halfway through the workout, too.

The pax were rolling in on time (!!) with Spicoli arriving at 0528 and Bevo at 0529 – miraculous work, gentlemen. The Pharaoh himself was our lone late pax, but he picked up on our pattern of bodily destruction quickly.

At 0529:30 YHC went through the 5 core principles and gave a brief disclaimer for our FNG, Mark Sterling, a coworker of Lamb Chop’s who is visiting WS this week looking at houses for a move to town in the near future. At 0530:00 we began our Warmorama. What’s that, you ask? Can you do a Warmorama at Flatline? You can when it looks like this, my friend:

10 Burpees, 10 Iron Mikes, 10 Absolutions, 10 Divebombers. Repeato.  ***Of note, my weinke told me to repeato until I was tired of the sequence and then do one more. We only did this twice.***

Mosey to Corpening Plaza, prepare for ALARMs. After a brief description, we were off to the races.

  • A – arms. Dips on the tiered border of the plaza. Ground was slick.
  • L – legs. Jump Squats
  • A – abs. WWIIs
  • R – run. To the other side of the plaza
  • M – merkins. Regular style.

We started with 10 of each exercise and added 10 each set until we reached 40, the subtracted 10 back down to 10 for a total of 160 of each. Yowza. Pick up the six, then mosey back to launch for Mary.

Low flutter x25 IC, Freddy mercs x25 IC (with varied cadence), Muttons L & R x 25 IC, time’s up, let’s go home.


Some chatter about it being “wet” and “cold.” No, we aren’t going to go to the parking garage.

Some chatter about the warmup being “stupid” and “not fun.” Whoops.

Some chatter about the “roundabout route” I took to get us to Corpening Plaza. Sorry I don’t know my way around sometimes.

Some chatter about the ground being “slick” where we were doing dips. I don’t make the weather. Nobody got hurt. If they did, I gave a disclaimer. Lawyered.

Some chatter about the ALARMs being “excessive.” I told you to bring your big boy pants.

Some chatter about this being “the best workout in the history of Flatline.” Just kidding, I made that one up.

Turnover joined us back in Corpening Plaza after YHC had detailed my plans during our EC. He was thrilled to learn we were on the set of 40 when he joined.

Tclaps to Huck, Drip, and Workbench who endured that sadist Phoenix workout at Iron Throne yesterday and still posted this morning.

Dr. Toot & Lamb Chop led the pax through the ALARMs all morning, a truly remarkable effort from these two.

Zima was the only pax able to keep his legs straight over the drainage gap around the plaza during dips. Do with that information what you will.

Bevo led the MC brigade this morning with a lot of lighthearted banter, while also leading the charge to get to know our FNG. #HIM

Remember when Spicoli was recovering from shoulder surgery? Yeah me too. Doesn’t seem to be slowing him down any more.

I recently discovered that Wobegon has put ‘Silent Assassin’ in his Slack bio and there couldn’t be more fitting words to describe the guy. I didn’t hear a word from him all morning, and when I looked around to try and catch up with him after CoT he was gone. Vanished. Just showed up, took his DRP, crushed it, and jetted home.

The above paragraph applies to Mutton, too, but at least I got a compliment from him on the way out. “Good workout, that sucked Burns,” I believe is the direct quote.

Cheesesteak didn’t modify *too* much today, which I take as a compliment.

Van Gogh, what is there to even say? Smoked me on Sunday morning, smoked me this morning, I’ve gotta find something that will slow you down enough to where I feel like I’ve got a chance to keep up.

Former FNG Weasley, as mentioned above, is visiting WS to house hunt before he and his fiancee move to town. He works for Reynolds in marketing and has been remote for a while, but wants to be settled in before the world begins it’s slow and steady return to normalcy. Lamb Chop put the EH on him and the rest is history. He is a goalie who played college soccer at Marist (NY) and the real USC (go Gamecocks), so name suggestions mostly centered around that and his last name Sterling. Archer was thrown out and heavily considered until Bevo swooped in with Weasley, an homage the famed goalie of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team who won the Hogwarts Quidditch Cups due to his strong work in ’96 and ’97.  As for today’s workout, Weasley fit right in and dominated, mentioning that he may be back out again before leaving town to head home on Friday.

Announcements: Blood Drive this Saturday, sign up if you haven’t yet. Don’t be that guy who’s still using all his blood come Sunday morning.  Drip has Q at Conspiracy, so plan to do some merkins if you post.

CoT: Spicoli brought up his friend Rick, who is reacclimating to life after a stint in a home where he was being treated for depression. YHC prayed for this specifically along with all pax & pax family members and friends who are experiencing heightened anxiety and depression. May we be men who are actively leading the fight against these struggles and have the wisdom and discerning to help those close to us who are embattled.

Thanks for the keys, Bevo – they got a little wet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  • Van Gogh
    February 16, 2021 11:28 am

    I missed your previous installment of ALARMs and despite the DW move starting with burpees AND Iron Mikes (really!?), I’m glad to have made this one! Also great to see Lambchop back out and feeling better!!

    • Burns
      February 16, 2021 11:30 am

      I don’t think I’ve actually used the ALARMs format at Flatline before, but I know many have so I figured it would be appropriate. Aye!

  • wobegon
    February 16, 2021 11:32 am

    Brutal and excellent beatdown.

    Fun fact, Bam dropped the “Silent Assassin” label at Double Dutch and YHC decided to Root Canal it and claim the mantle.

    My arms hurt.


  • Turnover
    February 16, 2021 11:59 am

    YHC chuckled a lot at this BB, but my favorite part was @Wobegon, very appropriately, using “Root Canal” as a verb. Silent Assassin is the most fitting of “mantles” for ol’ Wobegon. #HIM

  • Jeff Leal
    February 16, 2021 12:04 pm

    Woebegone has permission to Root Canal it and add Silent Assassin. Boss move Woe.

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